Happy Birthday Wednesday

@fordman84 says @HammerDown wants this for this birthday..

Thats what it seems like. He got smashed one night, and she took all the beer to his moms house. lied and said storage unit. So no doubt she convinced his mom that he has a problem too. How much of a drinking problem can you have, that you can stock pile beer? She simply doesn't like it, so he has to stop. She doesn't like him posting here, so he has to stop. She had to have taken his phone and looked at his posts here, venting to random people online about his issues to get them off his chest.

I know why this irritates me so much. I had a girlfriend psychopath in high school. I could not get rid of her. One day I came home, and she was at my dining room table with my mom, and they were both crying. This was after months of trying to shake her. She had forged a paper preggo test, and had my mom convinced that I got her knocked up, and was trying to force her to get an abortion. I had to drag her out of my house and throw her in her car. Then had to calm my mom down for hours that she was crazy and making everything up.

That bitch wanted to try and make me into some version of what she wanted. GTFOH.
The outliers put a bad name on every category of people. And for females it’s the BBC type.
or she'd be ok with it because she's doing the same to you on a different site with her internet friends...
Or talking to her real-life friends, or her sisters or whomever. I’m ok with that. Trust isn’t created by forcing people to abandon things they like. Ultimatums don’t ever really work.
Thats what it seems like. He got smashed one night, and she took all the beer to his moms house. lied and said storage unit. So no doubt she convinced his mom that he has a problem too. How much of a drinking problem can you have, that you can stock pile beer? She simply doesn't like it, so he has to stop. She doesn't like him posting here, so he has to stop. She had to have taken his phone and looked at his posts here, venting to random people online about his issues to get them off his chest.

I know why this irritates me so much. I had a girlfriend psychopath in high school. I could not get rid of her. One day I came home, and she was at my dining room table with my mom, and they were both crying. This was after months of trying to shake her. She had forged a paper preggo test, and had my mom convinced that I got her knocked up, and was trying to force her to get an abortion. I had to drag her out of my house and throw her in her car. Then had to calm my mom down for hours that she was crazy and making everything up.

That bitch wanted to try and make me into some version of what she wanted. GTFOH.
The girl I dated in high school didn't quite get to that level of nuts, but she did show up at my house the summer after our freshman years of college (I'd broken it off with her in January of that year) with a note from "someone" saying that if we didn't get back together, something bad would happen to her. I don't remember if I laughed in her face or not, but I should have. She'd spent the last 6 months or so doing all kinds of crazy shit. I'd blocked her messenger accounts and emails because I got tired of the "let's get back together" messages. She used my sister to get info on what I was up to. Pretty sure she made a screen name just to message me on AIM (that "person" suddenly stopped talking to me after I kinda laughed this incident off). She'd randomly come by the McDonald's I worked at and try to talk to me while I was working.

Easily the craziest breakup I had.
internet history that shows evidence of pron sites or dating sites? Ok, that's a bad day. Evidence of being here? What the hell is wrong with that?
Dating site would for sure be an issue, but Mrs Redfoot doesn't give a fuck about porn sites. She knows that unless she wants to be on call against my prodigious libido, she needs to let me blow off some of my own steam.
She may ask me not to talk about personal shit. We would have a conversation about why I felt like I had to share personal shit with strangers rather than talking to her about things. She wouldn’t ask me to leave the site.

each person handles things differently. One is not “wrong” and the other is not “right”.

I learned a long time ago this lesson: whenever somebody does something it’s always about them. It’s never about you.

whatever her reaction (Or your wife’s in this hypothetical) would be is based upon THEM and THEIR life’s experience, understanding of the situation, their fears/insecurities, etc.

Look, IMO nobody here is ”to be blamed”. Many people don’t “get” what we do here. Some would say “Why do you talk to strangers on the internet everyday”? They wouldn’t understand why we “Take shit” from those strangers. Everyone that is here is bc they like this experience. For us it’s “pleasureable“ ( however we define that word). If it wasn’t… we wouldn’t be here. Anyone who said anything about his girls behavior isn’t “wrong“ and she’s not ”wrong“ in how she reacted to it. It’s just something they have to work thru
I was sitting on some stupid training call for the last hour and a half, not listening to a word of it. Finally just said “fuck it” and dropped off the call. Waste of time.
each person handles things differently. One is not “wrong” and the other is not “right”.

I learned a long time ago this lesson: whenever somebody does something it’s always about them. It’s never about you.

whatever her reaction (Or your wife’s in this hypothetical) would be is based upon THEM and THEIR life’s experience, understanding of the situation, their fears/insecurities, etc.

Look, IMO nobody here is ”to be blamed”. Many people don’t “get” what we do here. Some would say “Why do you talk to strangers on the internet everyday”? They wouldn’t understand why we “Take shit” from those strangers. Everyone that is here is bc they like this experience. For us it’s “pleasureable“ ( however we define that word). If it wasn’t… we wouldn’t be here. Anyone who said anything about his girls behavior isn’t “wrong“ and she’s not ”wrong“ in how she reacted to it. It’s just something they have to work thru
You and your reasonable takes can kindly fuck right off.