Happy Birthday Wednesday

But, to your point, Mrs Redfoot does not like a straight up pic of my D. I need to get more creative. Like glue some seashells on it first.
Didn’t know you were into crafting.
Yeah, if I was stupid enough to leave a history of porn site viewing, my wife and I would have a discussion (mostly along the lines of don’t be stupid enough to leave a trail the kids would find if they used your iPad). If she found a dating site, we’d have a more vigorous discussion. She knows about this site and doesn’t care.

I will show my wife funny shit people post. If I couldn't be open with my partner in that way I'd not be happy.
I honestly started on message boards after getting out of construction. It might sound funny, but I needed an outlet. I went from working aorund a bunch of guys and talking shit as a means of entertainment for over a decade, and now was working on an island. I found the cBS boards through a fantasy football league and was hooked. I have a need to talk shit, even if that is all it is.

Similar here. Got more into it when I moved east and didn't have as many friends
I will show my wife funny shit people post. If I couldn't be open with my partner in that way I'd not be happy.
I do the same occasionally. She knows my username and has the password to all my devices and could check if she wanted to. That works because she doesn’t.