Happy Birthday Wednesday

each person handles things differently. One is not “wrong” and the other is not “right”.

I learned a long time ago this lesson: whenever somebody does something it’s always about them. It’s never about you.

whatever her reaction (Or your wife’s in this hypothetical) would be is based upon THEM and THEIR life’s experience, understanding of the situation, their fears/insecurities, etc.

Look, IMO nobody here is ”to be blamed”. Many people don’t “get” what we do here. Some would say “Why do you talk to strangers on the internet everyday”? They wouldn’t understand why we “Take shit” from those strangers. Everyone that is here is bc they like this experience. For us it’s “pleasureable“ ( however we define that word). If it wasn’t… we wouldn’t be here. Anyone who said anything about his girls behavior isn’t “wrong“ and she’s not ”wrong“ in how she reacted to it. It’s just something they have to work thru
Im fucking right
Yeah, if I was stupid enough to leave a history of porn site viewing, my wife and I would have a discussion (mostly along the lines of don’t be stupid enough to leave a trail the kids would find if they used your iPad). If she found a dating site, we’d have a more vigorous discussion. She knows about this site and doesn’t care.
The kid finding the trail is a nightmare to me. I'm super careful about that, plus, my ipad is off limits to them.

Another nightmare of mine is accidentally sending a D pic to the wrong person.
each person handles things differently. One is not “wrong” and the other is not “right”.

I learned a long time ago this lesson: whenever somebody does something it’s always about them. It’s never about you.

whatever her reaction (Or your wife’s in this hypothetical) would be is based upon THEM and THEIR life’s experience, understanding of the situation, their fears/insecurities, etc.

Look, IMO nobody here is ”to be blamed”. Many people don’t “get” what we do here. Some would say “Why do you talk to strangers on the internet everyday”? They wouldn’t understand why we “Take shit” from those strangers. Everyone that is here is bc they like this experience. For us it’s “pleasureable“ ( however we define that word). If it wasn’t… we wouldn’t be here. Anyone who said anything about his girls behavior isn’t “wrong“ and she’s not ”wrong“ in how she reacted to it. It’s just something they have to work thru
I get what you’re saying and don’t disagree with you in concept. Where I disagree is whether hiding beer and making him quit posting on an anonymous sports message board are part of “working through“ anything. It’s about issue avoidance and control, not resolution.
What happened with gob?
willy wonka and the chocolate factory everlasting gobstopper GIF

The Everlasting Gobstopper put her foot down.
Or talking to her real-life friends, or her sisters or whomever. I’m ok with that. Trust isn’t created by forcing people to abandon things they like. Ultimatums don’t ever really work.
Having a person/place to vent to often helps keep things more peaceful at home. I would never expect Mr. Kobe to not discuss frustrations with friends…in person or on the internet.

I also wouldn’t hide his beer or involve his mom in our business. So I have a difficult time understanding any of it.
The kid finding the trail is a nightmare to me. I'm super careful about that, plus, my ipad is off limits to them.

Another nightmare of mine is accidentally sending a D pic to the wrong person.
The lighting was fantastic on the one you sent me.
I don’t know gob’s race, but I’m going to assume his cock isn’t that big.

Bitches. Be. Crazy.
Big chubby insulator gal I know, daughter of a friend, has a black kid,

she came into the fab shop and says I'll be having fun with the BBC tonight!

I kind of gave her a wtf look and she says The Big Booty Crew, that's what me and my girl friends call ourselves!
Having a person/place to vent to often helps keep things more peaceful at home. I would never expect Mr. Kobe to not discuss frustrations with friends…in person or on the internet.

I also wouldn’t hide his beer or involve his mom in our business. So I have a difficult time understanding any of it.
I have never involved my wife's family in anything, and she has never done it to me. We deal with our stuff in house.

When I saw him post that his beer was at his moms house, I was instantly floored. It was repulsive.
I get what you’re saying and don’t disagree with you in concept. Where I disagree is whether hiding beer and making him quit posting on an anonymous sports message board are part of “working through“ anything. It’s about issue avoidance and control, not resolution.

we all have issues. Those may be some of hers. I don’t know. You may be right. Whatever is going on I’m just saying if I’m looking at the discovery of GOB postings from HER perspective it’s not “She’s a crazy bitch”.
Having a person/place to vent to often helps keep things more peaceful at home. I would never expect Mr. Kobe to not discuss frustrations with friends…in person or on the internet.

I also wouldn’t hide his beer or involve his mom in our business. So I have a difficult time understanding any of it.
shes from a different culture
The kid finding the trail is a nightmare to me. I'm super careful about that, plus, my ipad is off limits to them.

Another nightmare of mine is accidentally sending a D pic to the wrong person.
Is this scenario like the one @RubinRock had where he sent a message he thought was just to his wife, but went to his in-laws too?

Because I never thought I was the "wrong person" to get pics of your schwantz.
The kid finding the trail is a nightmare to me. I'm super careful about that, plus, my ipad is off limits to them.

Another nightmare of mine is accidentally sending a D pic to the wrong person.
No one wants a D pic. No. One.
I honestly started on message boards after getting out of construction. It might sound funny, but I needed an outlet. I went from working aorund a bunch of guys and talking shit as a means of entertainment for over a decade, and now was working on an island. I found the cBS boards through a fantasy football league and was hooked. I have a need to talk shit, even if that is all it is.
Is this scenario like the one @RubinRock had where he sent a message he thought was just to his wife, but went to his in-laws too?
This true, Rubin? Let's have some details.
So youre on her side? Knew you were a controlling little bitch.
Im not on anyone's side silly. Just saying that mebbe they do stuff different in south africa or some shit.

D00d could literally just be done with this site.
I honestly started on message boards after getting out of construction. It might sound funny, but I needed an outlet. I went from working aorund a bunch of guys and talking shit as a means of entertainment for over a decade, and now was working on an island. I found the cBS boards through a fantasy football league and was hooked. I have a need to talk shit, even if that is all it is.

For me it was an outlet from a very stressful job. Back in the day when they first added hot food items to the 7-11 it kinda freaked me out. Having to run the register, handle the duties of an assistant manager AND handle the hot food items… I’m not gonna lie… it was overwhelming. I’m good now though.