Happy Birthday Wednesday

gave the dog a bath last night, he didn't stink or anything but his skin was getting grotty. Much better now, very soft, much wow

then ran to the pet store to get him some more food and stopped at Chipotle and grabbed dinner.

Happy Birthday, LS.
I've found myself doing more explosive variations with home workouts since I'm only buying single DBs at each weight. It's given me a different kind of bulk, I'm not sure I like it.
its always sunny in philadelphia mac GIF
Maybe it’s the ghost protein?
you guys putting all this stuff you don't know into your body and how your body will react is just a bad idea, IMO
morning all

took murray to dog park last night, fun times

getting tired of coughing
His dedication to weight gain and loss for that show is incredible.
he's in great shape now. I think he is done with the Fat Mac character
Bunch of fatties itt