I discovered one of the worst food inventions

Well, yeah... isn't a hernia in your belly button?

For women moreso yes. For men the whole physical turn and cough deal is For hernias. They grab around your groin. So while that is also pretty awkward (just had a physical today actually from a woman doc) it's not nearly as bad as a finger in the ass. That...that I'd politely decline.
What does the doctor say to you when he's about to finger your butthole and make you cough or whatever?

I think of a speculum and automatically hear, "Okay, this is going to be a little cold" and involuntarily do a kegel :Cry:
I was too distracted by the realization that both of his hands were on my shoulders to pay attention to what he was saying....
For women moreso yes. For men the whole physical turn and cough deal is For hernias. They grab around your groin. So while that is also pretty awkward (just had a physical today actually from a woman doc) it's not nearly as bad as a finger in the ass. That...that I'd politely decline.
lulz... I thought it was something to do with your balls and they put their finger in your butthole while they did it.
lulz... I thought it was something to do with your balls and they put their finger in your butthole while they did it.
Half right. Hold the jewels while making you cough. If there's some pulling, you may have a hernia.

Butthole finger is to check prostate.

My Doc does both on the same date...if I bring flowers...
A packet of Oreo Thins made it's way into my pantry. What an absolutely disappointing eating experience this was. Might as well call them Chocolate wafers, where is the filling!? The best part of an Oreo is the filling and it is absent in Oreo Thins.

Is this some sort of healthy option or alternative to an Oreo? If so, no thanks. I eat Oreo's with zero intentions of being healthy, I understand the potential negative health consequences of eating a row or two of Oreo's. What I found myself doing with the Oreo Thins was eating twice as many just to try and make up for the lack of substance a normal Oreo would have provided.

It's like when I go to McDonald's and order a McFlurry. I go into that drive-thru knowing i am not choosing a healthy option, so when I order a large sized McFlurry I am expecting a 16 Oz cup of pure fatness, sugar and bliss. Not that rinky-dink sized cup they give you. It's always so disappointing when you think you're going to get this huge cup of regret only to find you're getting a cup that will leave you dissatisfied and wanting more, yet at the same time feeling regret and disgust at yourself for divulging into that 2,000 calories of nothing.

So IMO there is zero reason to buy Oreo Thins. Instead but Oreo Double Stuf.
I thought you were gonna say Tube steak smothered in underwear.
What does the doctor say to you when he's about to finger your butthole and make you cough or whatever?

I think of a speculum and automatically hear, "Okay, this is going to be a little cold" and involuntarily do a kegel :Cry:

you'd think they'd run some warm water over em for a couple seconds to make it easier on you ladies. . .
Anyone puke in this thread yet? The middle of oreos is the worst part. Greasy, gritty sugar.
Hey!! I do my "Breakfast of Champions" (coca cola & choc chip cookies) all the time and I'm a a slim, healthy, diabetes-free guy. :nod:

Now... MY drinking thing is a WHOLE 'Nother thing!! :drink:

Y’all motherfuckers are retarded.

Regular Oreos are perfection. The thin ones, while not ideal at least get the correct ratio of cookie to filling. Double stuf have too much filling and should be avoided. All other Oreo flavors, from “golden” to Swedish Fish and everything in between are an abomination.

I will fight anyone to the death who disagrees.
You like getting beat up?

I said up, not off.
Send this motherfucker directions to that same Jason’s Deli. I’ll take care of him after @moxie

Fair warning @moxie. I won’t lay a finger on you, but I will throw various spiders at you from close range.
Sounds like you bout to get jumped my guy. Fuck a bunch of oreos