I discovered one of the worst food inventions

mike myers no GIF
It’s basically just a chocolate cheesecake at that point. Try one

The worst food invention is the brussels sprout.

You may argue that they are naturally occurring and therefore not an invention, but I refuse to accept that a just and loving God would create such a thing.
I don't think they are naturally occurring. Isn't the Brussel sprout modified from broccoli or something like that? I think it is the Brussel sprout that was man made via selective breeding.
Oreos are fucking gross. Two shitty chocolate cookies stuffed with whipped crisco and sugar.

No wonder everyone has diabetus.
I haven't had an Oreo (or 8 or 12) in so long I can't remember, but I used to like them dunked in milk until they were a millisecond from disintegrating and falling to the bottom of the glass. Played the same game of chicken with Nilla Wafers and Vienna Fingers :thumb:
Most likely. Pretty sure I'm also missing out on the velvety texture of fucking a tube sock full of ground beef, but I'm happy to leave that to @SlinkyRedfoot.
I prefer heating up peanut butter in the microwave and then going to town, just gotta be careful to not get it too hot
You're approaching @inimical territory coming up in my house and telling me how cheesecake is made.

Look- you can either agree with me or continue to be wrong, totally up to you.

You’re missing out

Oven made Mac and cheese is basically a cheesecake
When I went to the Bahamas, I ate at a...something shack. can't remember what they call them...anywho - I ordered mac & cheese as a side. It was the most glorious thing! It wasn't elbow or shell pasta, it was layers like lasagna then it had a crispy cheese layer on top.

When I went to the Bahamas, I ate at a...something shack. can't remember what they call them...anywho - I ordered mac & cheese as a side. It was the most glorious thing! It wasn't elbow or shell pasta, it was layers like lasagna then it had a crispy cheese layer on top.

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Sounds pretty good
Look- you can either agree with me or continue to be wrong, totally up to you.



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moxie, out loud... "yeah, yeah, you notice they had to specify RICOT- oh, you fucking son of a bitch!!