Is this where Ryan day goes down?

I don’t want him to go. I want the truth revealed that the little weasel tried ratting on us for something minor, whipped up support in the B10 for the concept of this being the “worst scandal in big ten history” while stealing footage himself.

Except none of this is true and only grasping by Michigan fans
Only dUMb fans would continue to take bogus claims made by a Twitter page notorious for spouting bullshit and run with it
At least quote a reputable source. This is like saying Big Game Boomer has some type of scoop.

They’ve got themselves convinced that the real media is just out to get Michigan and protect Ohio state so naturally the only believable thing is zero credibility Twitter pages

BBB is actually much worse. BBB floods the internet with click bait lies and half truths. BGB just has a lot of shitty takes.

Says “walk on redshirts”