Is this where Ryan day goes down?

Pete Thamel is now a bad journalist because he accurately reported that the Big Ten was going to suspend Harbaugh?

Michigan fans legit think journalists should clear their reportings with the university first and only positive reporting should be done about Michigan. They want to be treated like Putin in Russia basically
Michigan fans legit think journalists should clear their reportings with the university first and only positive reporting should be done about Michigan. They want to be treated like Putin in Russia basically

Why trust someone with a Journalism degree from Syracuse when you can roll with something called Blue Bloods Bias, who literally tweeted a day ago that Fifita and McMillian were going to transfer out of AZ, only to have Fifita's dad come out 12 hours later saying they aren't. Great reporting!
The difference is they aren’t trying to be a news source. They’re just mocking people who take BBB seriously
Michigan fans have known about this since the start. We’ve been saying it for two months. It’s gaining traction now that the actual company confirmed it.
Michigan fans have known about this since the start. We’ve been saying it for two months. It’s gaining traction now that the actual company confirmed it.

It's not a company. It's literally some random dude who constantly post lies and half truths to get engagement.

If a journalist with an ounce of credibility reports it, let us know. Or do you believe all the sports journalists are out to get Michigan?
Yes, whatever you want. Day gets suspended you win, Day doesn't get suspended, I win. Deal?

Michigan fans have really gone off the rails with this shit. By “Michigan fans have known this from the start” he really means Michigan fans have thought up baseless conspiracy theories from the start to try to paint themselves as the victim, everyone else is really cheating and Michigan is actually clean. Lmao
It's not a company. It's literally some random dude who constantly post lies and half truths to get engagement.

If a journalist with an ounce of credibility reports it, let us know. Or do you believe all the sports journalists are out to get Michigan?

Go read the Michigan forums. They legit think everyone is out to get Michigan and Harbaugh because Michigan is “too successful” and everyone is jealous of them. Lmao. They also think the NCAA is sabotaging them because they “don’t like one team being so successful”. They are putting on a master class in hilarious false arrogance.
Go read the Michigan forums. They legit think everyone is out to get Michigan and Harbaugh because Michigan is “too successful” and everyone is jealous of them. Lmao. They also think the NCAA is sabotaging them because they “don’t like one team being so successful”. They are putting on a master class in hilarious false arrogance.
Then why would they be going after michigan? They're defeating themselves with their own logic.
Losing to Bama would send them even more off the rails. You already know they are going to blame the NCAA and media for “creating a distraction”
They all live by what Jeff Portnoys dumb as said. They really believe they are becoming the greatest dynasty in college football, even though their best run in current time has culminated in 0 titles and 2 semi final embarrassments.
Exactly lol but logic and reason is not a option for the dumbest fan base in America
Regardless of anything OSU is dealing with right now, it's still better than being a part of that fanbase. Good lord the last few months have been awful for them.
Regardless of anything OSU is dealing with right now, it's still better than being a part of that fanbase. Good lord the last few months have been awful for them.

If Ohio State was really doing something that bad you fucking know the media would be ALL over it, if there was any real smoke ESPN and everyone would be running with it. Their claims that the media “protects Ohio State” are comical. The media was basically calling for us to get the death penalty and running with it 24/7 during tat gate. You know there’s nothing there for real on us in any of this because the real media would be running with it already.
Michigan fans have known about this since the start. We’ve been saying it for two months. It’s gaining traction now that the actual company confirmed it.
How have you "known"? Were you in the room? Did you help? Or did you just read a tweet...

If the Buckeyes cheated they deserve the punishment. Of course they could play the victim card like MI.

BBB is actually much worse. BBB floods the internet with click bait lies and half truths. BGB just has a lot of shitty takes.

They should be reported to the Better Business Bureau.
Missouri has a reputable journalism school - what too soon?