Michigan sub .500 team

Winning would be nice. But if we wont them I'm not sure they'd count FOR Harbaugh in the same way Wamu is using them against him.

How delusional are you? I'm not using anything against anyone. Just mentioning the real numbers that you have an issue with because they aren't in JH's favor. If you weren't such a homer you'd be able to see things better. But you got yer homer helmet on so tight it's cut the circulation off to your brain.

Here's the spectrum for UofM fans on both site. @Belcherboy is a rational fan and always cool to talk with. You on the other hand take everything to homeritsic extremes because you refuse to acknowldge anything that makes JH's coaching numbers look bad.
I missed this thread in here!

In my VERY biased opinion:

@ Minnesota: Win
Michigan State: Win
@ Indiana: Win
Wisconsin: Win
@ Rutgers: Win
Penn St: Loss
Maryland: Win
@ OSU: Win (I'm only saying this so I can tell everyone I called it...I wouldn't bet a nickel on it happening)

7-1 in my best case scenario

5-3 in my worst case scenario

They likely land around 6-2...a typical Harbaugh year (win a big game, but lose the most important games)
How delusional are you? I'm not using anything against anyone. Just mentioning the real numbers that you have an issue with because they aren't in JH's favor. If you weren't such a homer you'd be able to see things better. But you got yer homer helmet on so tight it's cut the circulation off to your brain.

Here's the spectrum for UofM fans on both site. @Belcherboy is a rational fan and always cool to talk with. You on the other hand take everything to homeritsic extremes because you refuse to acknowldge anything that makes JH's coaching numbers look bad.
I don't. If I did, I'd argue Harbaugh is the best coach to ever have walked. I'm merely saying I'm comfortable with where we currently are under Harbaugh, he has us positioned on any given year to have a year like 2016 or 2018 where we're 1 win away from a B10 title birth. We just have to beat OSU, that's it. How much Harbaugh makes is irrelevant to that IMO. If he made less, it wouldn't change my opinion of where the program is.
I don't. If I did, I'd argue Harbaugh is the best coach to ever have walked. I'm merely saying I'm comfortable with where we currently are under Harbaugh, he has us positioned on any given year to have a year like 2016 or 2018 where we're 1 win away from a B10 title birth. We just have to beat OSU, that's it. How much Harbaugh makes is irrelevant to that IMO. If he made less, it wouldn't change my opinion of where the program is.

You've said several times over the past couple of years you think he's one of the best coaches in CFB right now. Which is homeristic nonsense. So I'll ask again what makes him so great? Already mentioned his record in big games. Something you want to ignore.

Like I've said I think he's a good coach. But his record is proof he struggles winning big games. You're in such denial of his W/L record vs. ranked teams you've gone as far to say losses to ranked teams don't count. And you think the Orange, Outback, Peach & Citurs bowls are meaningless (comment # 74). What the hell is that?
As a neutral Tennessee fan, I have to agree with Michigan fans. Harbaugh has made Michigan relevant again and they have been the second best program in the B1G the last 3-4 years. Issue is that they do need to eventually beat Ohio State. The lop-sided blowouts are embarrassing. Still if Michigan doesn't want Harbaugh, Tennessee will take him right now.
As a neutral Tennessee fan, I have to agree with Michigan fans. Harbaugh has made Michigan relevant again and they have been the second best program in the B1G the last 3-4 years. Issue is that they do need to eventually beat Ohio State. The lop-sided blowouts are embarrassing. Still if Michigan doesn't want Harbaugh, Tennessee will take him right now.
2nd best? Wisconsin and Penn St would like a word with you
What's your point? Michigan paid Harbaugh a lot. That doesn't have anything to do with performance. If we paid him $3 million a year, his performance would still be the same. It's dumb to bring up compensation when it has nothing to do with performance but market value. Michigan paid harbaugh that much, and wil lcontinue to do so, not because we're competing with other college teams but with NFL teams would would almost certainly pay him that much (yes, still).

I don't know, Harbaugh is winning one more game a year than Hoke, but making $6 million more a year. Seems like you would be better off spreading that around to hire better assistants.
I don't know, Harbaugh is winning one more game a year than Hoke, but making $6 million more a year. Seems like you would be better off spreading that around to hire better assistants.
Say what you will about Hoke, but Ohio State never blew him out like they do to Harbaugh.
As a neutral Tennessee fan, I have to agree with Michigan fans. Harbaugh has made Michigan relevant again and they have been the second best program in the B1G the last 3-4 years. Issue is that they do need to eventually beat Ohio State. The lop-sided blowouts are embarrassing. Still if Michigan doesn't want Harbaugh, Tennessee will take him right now.
They havent even been getting 2nd best in their own division let alone the conference
I liked it better when there was no season and we didn't have to worry about losing to OSU
I haven't paid much attention to the specifics of the season, but did I hear that there's a possibility of tOSU and UoM facing off twice this year?
You've said several times over the past couple of years you think he's one of the best coaches in CFB right now. Which is homeristic nonsense. So I'll ask again what makes him so great? Already mentioned his record in big games. Something you want to ignore.

Like I've said I think he's a good coach. But his record is proof he struggles winning big games. You're in such denial of his W/L record vs. ranked teams you've gone as far to say losses to ranked teams don't count. And you think the Orange, Outback, Peach & Citurs bowls are meaningless (comment # 74). What the hell is that?
He is. I'd put him top 20. Probably top 15. There's 120+ CFB coaches. Saying he's one of the best isn't homerish at all. I'm not saying he's a top 5 coach.
I haven't paid much attention to the specifics of the season, but did I hear that there's a possibility of tOSU and UoM facing off twice this year?

Not the way the schedule is set up. I guess a slight possibility if their head to head game is very close and they both blow out everyone else, the could both make the playoffs. I don't see that happening though.
They havent even been getting 2nd best in their own division let alone the conference

I thought they had a wonn3 straight against Penn State.
2nd best? Wisconsin and Penn St would like a word with you

Michigan has finished ahead in the standings and beat both teams more regularly the last 3 years.
As a neutral Tennessee fan, I have to agree with Michigan fans. Harbaugh has made Michigan relevant again and they have been the second best program in the B1G the last 3-4 years. Issue is that they do need to eventually beat Ohio State. The lop-sided blowouts are embarrassing. Still if Michigan doesn't want Harbaugh, Tennessee will take him right now.

I get the warm tingly feeling when Tennessee fans talk about getting a new coach. Especially when then say something dumb like trading down for Jimmy Jam. Maybe y'all can get Chuckie this time, lol. or the Tuna, hell why not Bilichick.
I don't know, Harbaugh is winning one more game a year than Hoke, but making $6 million more a year. Seems like you would be better off spreading that around to hire better assistants.
No No No No No. It is chic to overpay head coaches now. Everyone is doing it.

I stand corrected. It is chic to overpay both head coaches and assistants.