More Michigan Cheating

Because there is only so much time that players can dedicate to the sport and it's better that they be looking at film, doing S&C, and practicing, rather than having to recreate hundreds of signals every week.

Plus, they should be able to assume teams will follow the rules and not cheat.
Maybe electronic communication is needed … similar to the NFL & MLB.
According to Red Alert. No you cannot.

Lookie here, kiddie pool troll.

I have used the terms "in-person" and of "future opponents" over 20 times in this thread as being against the rules relating to Michigan's signal stealing.

What the Ohio St QC guy was doing at the "Ohio St"/Notre Dame game is Not.The.Same as what Michigan's been doing.
Not only was he AT a current Ohio St game, he was not facing their sideline, and it would only be against the rules if he were somehow relaying his video electronically to the Ohio St sidelines in real time, but you keep trying to distract from Michigan getting caught blatantly breaking the rules.

I've literally never seen fans as disingenuous as these Michigan fans. I totally get what Ohio St fans say about them now.
Attending the same game?!?! They are both on the coaching staff for OSU, genius. Here is Zdbeski on the sideline standing next to the DC. So exactly how were they attending the game together, when one is on the sideline. :facepalm:
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LMAO This picture is from the OSU spring game this year, rain man. Holy shit, you are so incredibly stupid
I heard Stalions is the one who shot JFK and he rigged the election to get Biden into the White House. That's the rumor I'm hearing on X.
The truth is, this guy Stalions isn’t even that important and not as important as he thought he was. It’s sad that one nobody Superfan brings a once proud honorable college Michigan football team down down down. People want to laugh at Rich Rod, Hoke, and Moeller but at least they had some integrity. Jim Harbaugh will always be known as a…

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Attending the same game?!?! They are both on the coaching staff for OSU, genius. Here is Zdbeski on the sideline standing next to the DC. So exactly how were they attending the game together, when one is on the sideline. :facepalm:
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Hey Slingblade, tell everyone about how they don't know ball LOL
It is the internet. Every moron is going to make up theories with zero evidence and quote 'unnamed sources'. All that is being done now is throwing shit against the wall and hope something sticks.

Also, If the FBI is involved -- there is zero chance a 3rd party computer forensic firm is involved, as the FBI wouldn't allow it. If a computer forensic expert was needed - the FBI has their own.

That being said -- they should fire anyone who vetted and recommended that clown Stalion. My 9 year old could have hidden the trail better than he did.
The FBI has already taken what they needed off the servers. Zero chance they left it there for someone to alter.
Maybe electronic communication is needed … similar to the NFL & MLB.
Totally ... with all the billions being thrown around it's crazy they haven't.

There are some problems:

- Can the G5 afford it?
- The helmet companies are saying it voids their warranty.
- Each school has contracts for communications equipment with different vendors - not like the NFL with only 32 teams where they can force teams to use a certain vendor.
- The SEC is already looking into it, but what happens when they play someone in a conference who doesn't allow it?

But, yes, we need that for sure.
Totally ... with all the billions being thrown around it's crazy they haven't.

There are some problems:

- Can the G5 afford it?
- The helmet companies are saying it voids their warranty.
- Each school has contracts for communications equipment with different vendors - not like the NFL with only 32 teams where they can force teams to use a certain vendor.
- The SEC is already looking into it, but what happens when they play someone in a conference who doesn't allow it?

But, yes, we need that for sure.
of course the SEC is looking into it - our athletes aren't smart enough to learn multiple sets of signals


The "snitch is doing more damage than the actual cheaters!" argument never fails to amuse.


But the funniest thing here is that the "snitch" is more than likely the University of Michigan themselves. That won't stop the dumbest of Michigan fans from continuing their lunatic "THIS IS A RYAN DAY PSYOP!" ramblings though.

The "snitch is doing more damage than the actual cheaters!" argument never fails to amuse.


But the funniest thing here is that the "snitch" is more than likely the University of Michigan themselves. That won't stop the dumbest of Michigan fans from continuing their lunatic "THIS IS A RYAN DAY PSYOP!" ramblings though.

snitches and bet welchers, two of the scummiest individuals on Earth.
How mad are Ohio state fans right now that this isn’t doing shit to Michigan? It’s energizing the program. Rip
Uh oh, now the Bucknuts are starting to realize/agree that we didn't cheat (even if that allegations are true)

Idk if it's already been posted, but there are allegations that Michigan also used ball boys to steal plays as well

"According to Sports Illustrated, that may not have been the only way Michigan tried to improperly gain an edge, as the outlet says an unnamed Big Ten program was told to keep an eye out for ball boys relaying plays to the home team’s sideline:

A coach at a different school called them before playing Michigan to warn them about Wolverines ball boys on their sideline listening to play calls and communicating information to the Michigan sideline—holding the football up in one hand to indicate an expected pass, and in the other hand to indicate a run.

It’s obviously worth noting the team admitted it didn’t end up noticing any patterns that raised red flags when it played in Ann Arbor.

Based on an article ESPN published earlier this year, the Wolverines are also far from the first program to arouse suspicion thanks to the behavior of their ball boys, and while that’s essentially child’s play compared to the allegations surrounding Stalions, it’s certainly not helping Michigan’s case."