Rule Change: Mittens?

Put mittens on offensive linemen. Will stop mostly all these holding, non-called holding, and phantom holding calls.
Bernie Sanders Meme GIF
If they lose them do they still get pie??
This idea has to be related to CTE, right???

as in OP was dropped on his head several dozen times in his youth.
You can’t argue the issues ever, can you?
So Jex, the center is expected to wear these while hiking the ball?
Don’t know. Maybe he can be an exception. Or maybe these mitts allow for some fingertip use.
They should also count to 3 after every snap to eliminate all the false starts
You might like games getting decided by refs. I don’t. I want to eliminate all the holding. Holding calls. Phantom holds. Outright missed holds. That all change a game. Just because refs are refs.
You might like games getting decided by refs. I don’t. I want to eliminate all the holding. Holding calls. Phantom holds. Outright missed holds. That all change a game. Just because refs are refs.

What about all the holds called on defensive backs? Like in the Super Bowl this year? Definitely mittens for them as well
Maybe he can be an exception.
So it’s ok for the center to hold, but not the others?

sounds like this wasn’t thought out too well.

symptoms of CTE.
  • Difficulty thinking (cognitive impairment)
  • Impulsive behavior.
  • Depression or apathy.
  • Short-term memory loss.
  • Difficulty planning and carrying out tasks (executive function)
  • Emotional instability.
  • Substance misuse.
  • Suicidal thoughts or behavior.