Rule Change: Mittens?

Holding can be called without grasping. If a lineman hooks a defender with his arm, that is called holding.

Also, this rule would put the offense at a distinct disadvantage in a turnover scenario, as half the team members will not be able to grasp to make tackles.

Then you have scenarios where an "extra" lineman comes in. Does this guy have to have the mittens, or just the five guys who are "regular" linemen? Does the requirement change in an unbalanced formation? Can you line up without your mittens if you're a guard on the OL and an end on the FG unit?

Too many flaws to bother trying.
Holding can be called without grasping. Yes. That’s an orthogonal point. Those holds are much harder to do secretly and scale-wise, and much easier for a ref to call.

many times (read: every time almost) we see linesmen grasp jerseys and hold “just enough” to let the RB get enough of a lead to escape or break a tackle, then the linesmen release to try to avoid penalty.
The ref’s capricious decisions when to throw these flags decides way too many series and games.
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Holding can be called without grasping. If a lineman hooks a defender with his arm, that is called holding.

Also, this rule would put the offense at a distinct disadvantage in a turnover scenario, as half the team members will not be able to grasp to make tackles.

Then you have scenarios where an "extra" lineman comes in. Does this guy have to have the mittens, or just the five guys who are "regular" linemen? Does the requirement change in an unbalanced formation? Can you line up without your mittens if you're a guard on the OL and an end on the FG unit?

Too many flaws to bother trying.
As for the “too hard” reply; that’s one way to think about it… but I’d bet you’d say that about any of the myriad rules now in place in football if they were newly being introduced… thus my “status quo warrior” admonishment.

in fact, the CURRENT rules on holding fit your definitions of too hard to enforce… you can grasp jersey until the defender gets outside your shoulder, then it’s illegal, and the ref decides if you held “enough” to warrant a penalty.

so maybe we should get rid of the penalty altogether by that logic.

. It’s literally the reason for this post: that the current rules and enforcement surrounding offensive line holding are capricious, vague, and hard to enforce fairly. Your rebuttal actually UNDERSCORES the need for this change.
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If the rules currently were that you couldn’t grasp jersey at all, and I said we should change the rule to:
“You can grasp jersey, but only if the guy is directly in front of you and not attempting to get past you”

…you’d be laughing at that rule change, and for good reason. It sets up an ambiguous rule that’s hard to enforce, especially in ten trenches, and leaves too much up to the ref deciding what’s bad enough to warrant the drive-altering and game-altering penalty. That’s what we have now.

(it’s because you’re status quo warriors who cannot think for yourselves).

So, we need to decide if *grasping the jersey in the trenches only up until some ambiguous point where the defender is trying to get past you to get to the ball carrier enforced by a capricious decision by the ref* is a good way to set up the rules, or a bad way.

I say it’s bad. It’s dumb that this sport has a rule that can be violated and ignored or capriciously enforced by the refs, and that it happens every play, and that it has such an impact on deciding drives and games.

I want to change it.
maybe getting rid of the penalty is one way.
maybe prohibiting grasping at all is a way.
i propose mittens as a possible way since football linemen already have a culture ingrained of grasping.

again, let’s read some on-point thoughts, and not just read the off-point word flotsam of status quo warriors.
Here We Go Bravo GIF
As for the “too hard” reply; that’s one way to think about it… but I’d bet you’d say that about any of the myriad rules now in place in football if they were newly being introduced… thus my “status quo warrior” admonishment.

in fact, the CURRENT rules on holding fit your definitions of too hard to enforce… you can grasp jersey until the defender gets outside your shoulder, then it’s illegal, and the ref decides if you held “enough” to warrant a penalty.

so maybe we should get rid of the penalty altogether by that logic.

. It’s literally the reason for this post: that the current rules and enforcement surrounding offensive line holding are capricious, vague, and hard to enforce fairly. Your rebuttal actually UNDERSCORES the need for this change.
None of this addresses the numerous problems with trying to only fit OL with these mittens. Since DBs hold a bunch too, should they have to be mittened? Are the OL on ST supposed to be mittened? What about the long snapper?
So is el jex saying Junior was holding a lot Saturday?
None of this addresses the numerous problems with trying to only fit OL with these mittens. Since DBs hold a bunch too, should they have to be mittened? Are the OL on ST supposed to be mittened? What about the long snapper?
DBs don’t hold nearly as much and they do it in the open. Much easier to see. And we also covered that earlier in this thread.
don’t obfuscate. Stay on topic.
So is el jex saying Junior was holding a lot Saturday?
No. It was other games. And in the nfl early games. A ton.
but more importantly, every week on every game.

the only thing OKST was holding Saturday was Bijan’s cleats in the second half, I have to guess … that’s the only reason Sark could have had to refuse to run him.

stay on topic. Y’all are college educated right?
Can you actually make salient points on a topic?
No. It was other games. And in the nfl early games. A ton.
but more importantly, every week on every game.

the only thing OKST was holding Saturday was Bijan’s cleats in the second half, I have to guess … that’s the only reason Sark refused to run him.

stay on topic. Y’all are college educated right?
Can you actually make salient points on a topic?
I wasnt making a point, I was asking a question you brain dead dunce.
I wasnt making a point, I was asking a question you brain dead dunce.
No. You were trying to make the point that the only reason I’d bring this up is because it recently negatively affected MY team, you weak transparent backpeddling dolt.
No. You were trying to make the point that the only reason I’d bring this up is because it recently negatively affected MY team, you weak transparent backpeddling dolt.
No, I was asking a question that clearly you didn’t like you simple stupid illiterate clown.
So is el jex saying Junior was holding a lot Saturday?
“so is he saying” is an accusation against my motives. It’s white clear.

JUST A QUESTION would be: “Do you think that happened?”

plus, asking that question at all is completely transparent on what you’re attempting to imply.

a transparent clown
“so is he saying” is an accusation against my motives. It’s white clear.

JUST A QUESTION would be: “Do you think that happened?”

plus, asking that question at all is completely transparent on what you’re attempting to imply.

a transparent clown
I asked a question. You felt threatened on it because you are an insecure jackass.

Don’t be an insecure jackass
Let’s hear in topic points; not flotsam from hillbillies and slowbrains
Let’s hear in topic points; not flotsam from hillbillies and slowbrains
Or you could just answer the question I asked without making yourself look like an insecure dumbass dunce.
They hold just enough on the edge to spring the runner for a TD. He didn’t hold the defender for more than 1.5 seconds outside his shoulders, but enough to get the job done. Ridiculous.
Bring on the mittens.

And now an inside hold. Just enough to spring for 71 yard TD.

Go back to tearaway jerseys. Can't hold if the jersey melts in your hands

Anything short of an outright tackle should not be a hold