Rule Change: Mittens?

Go back to tearaway jerseys. Can't hold if the jersey melts in your hands

Anything short of an outright tackle should not be a hold
That IS one way to solve it.
He got to the QB anyway, but how the fuck is this not called?
Massive hold right in front of the runner to spring the big TD. Lmao. #mittens
No biggie. Just a massive play that might decide the Rose Bowl.

All night long.

If you want football to change for the better, let O lineman move before the snap.,

/That is all
You’ve lost me at mittens. Isn’t that what we name cats these days?
Fewer rules, not more.
Fewer infractions. Not more.
Unless you wanna get rid of holding penalty altogether. Start a thread on that. Let’s see how that goes
So what was decided on amputations?

Everyone except the center?
So you enjoy the status quo of holding on every other play, and it getting called capriciously by the refs, unevenly, and at inopportune times…. The refs changing drive and game outcomes?
Or do you have another solution for this grossly unsporting situation?
Or maybe you’re just a dunce who can’t contribute to the point at hand?
Bring back the head slap.
Aahhh yes... Deacon Jones pioneered the infamous "head slap", if I remember correctly. It was quite effective too! UNTIL the NFL outlawed it... :heh: