Songs you hate

this song makes me gag. a pox upon the jackass record executives that gave shawn mullins a contract. a pox, i say!

I never heard that song but I'll take your word for it.
Anything off the "Grease" soundtrack. There's some kind of sensory-induced hypnosis (reference "The Naked Gun") that puts me into an instantaneous frenzy of violent anger when a note of that vile shit hits my ears.

I freaked my son out one day a few years back. I was walking through a store with him & my wife and one of those songs came on their radio. I went from totally chill to instant literal-red-faced flaming rage and my son hollered in the store "holy shit, dad!?!" I turned to my wife and said "I gotta get the fuck out of here. Now." and I damn near sprinted out of the store. Hopped in my vehicle and cranked some Slipknot to cleanse myself.
I love Grease songs. Brings back good memories of childhood, and Olivia Newton John is so hot. yum yum! She's the one that I want. The one that I want... oh oh oooh
I love Grease songs. Brings back good memories of childhood, and Olivia Newton John is so hot. yum yum! She's the one that I want. The one that I want... oh oh oooh

episode 8 fighting GIF
I love Grease songs. Brings back good memories of childhood, and Olivia Newton John is so hot. yum yum! She's the one that I want. The one that I want... oh oh oooh
That movie has a great message for young girls. If the guy you like isn’t that into you, try going a little trashier. It’s certainly worked for all of the women I’ve dated.

This is a song that could annoy the hell out of a lot of people.
this retarded tune, which is a hall of famer as far as shitty songs are concerned

@outofyourmind what say you? jim dandy to the ressscuuuuue??
Anything off the "Grease" soundtrack. There's some kind of sensory-induced hypnosis (reference "The Naked Gun") that puts me into an instantaneous frenzy of violent anger when a note of that vile shit hits my ears.

I freaked my son out one day a few years back. I was walking through a store with him & my wife and one of those songs came on their radio. I went from totally chill to instant literal-red-faced flaming rage and my son hollered in the store "holy shit, dad!?!" I turned to my wife and said "I gotta get the fuck out of here. Now." and I damn near sprinted out of the store. Hopped in my vehicle and cranked some Slipknot to cleanse myself.

you gotta be the only sumbitch left on planet earth that still likes that song :dhd:

No not really,I dont mind that song.....theres a ton more worse than that.

Itd be better if the topic was popular songs you absolutley hate.......Because theres a lot of songs I absoltuley abhor.......
No not really,I dont mind that song.....theres a ton more worse than that.

Itd be better if the topic was popular songs you absolutley hate.......Because theres a lot of songs I absoltuley abhor.......
your solution is to have a temper tantrum and find the quickest source of a different type of shitty music?

Idk if getting upset and leaving a store is "having a temper tantrum" but ok.

Slipknot does suck balls though.