Stalkers, Doxxers & Trolls, Oh My!

Can I dox myself?

Call any NAPA store and ask for Fog....

I'm sure you'll find me.... :dhd:

You want me to tell everyone who you are?
NU_FTW wasn't just going to doxx him, he was going to detail to his boss how Rock had spent so much working time on here. He was really determined to get Rock good, enough that Rock was scared shitless.

NU_FTW is a top ten dickhead ever on tHoops.
Do NOT give him a moniker like that. He would be too proud. dipshit is more fitting.
I'll just get it out of the way before anyone else does it:

Stanley Hudson

125 Beech St
Scranton, PA 18505

(570) 344-4555

Come & get it
The Office Eye Roll GIF
STFU dum know exactly who Larry Foote is. You turds doxxed him AND then went to other websites to doxx him.

I've never been on Rivals and I've never doxxed anyone.

This is all because I picked on some of the ex-Rivals dudes on the other Hoop because they were acting like a 7th grade girls clique.
You know this. You were in there more than me.

I sometimes go after people who I think are acting like a group of bullies instead of thinking individually.
I did it again in my spat with fordman, fighting with the people who defended him by attacking me.
Its my M.O.
I owned it, though I'm not real proud of it.
That tendency of mine explains why I was in the ex-Rivals thread. Think about it.

I had no part in the actual Rivals or Janty or Larry Foote, or this whole saga you are talking about.

You and Peter and Stakes obviously have some unanswered questions about that Rival era.
Get your heads together and figure that shit out, because continually trying to pin it on me is only getting you further from the truth.
I've never been on Rivals and I've never doxxed anyone.

This is all because I picked on some of the ex-Rivals dudes on the other Hoop because they were acting like a 7th grade girls clique.
You know this. You were in there more than me.

I sometimes go after people who I think are acting like a group of bullies instead of thinking individually.
I did it again in my spat with fordman, fighting with the people who defended him by attacking me.
Its my M.O.
I owned it, though I'm not real proud of it.
That tendency of mine explains why I was in the ex-Rivals thread. Think about it.

I had no part in the actual Rivals or Janty or Larry Foote, or this whole saga you are talking about.

You and Peter and Stakes obviously have some unanswered questions about that Rival era.
Get your heads together and figure that shit out, because continually trying to pin it on me is only getting you further from the truth.
Fuck off
I've never been on Rivals and I've never doxxed anyone.

This is all because I picked on some of the ex-Rivals dudes on the other Hoop because they were acting like a 7th grade girls clique.
You know this. You were in there more than me.

I sometimes go after people who I think are acting like a group of bullies instead of thinking individually.
I did it again in my spat with fordman, fighting with the people who defended him by attacking me.
Its my M.O.
I owned it, though I'm not real proud of it.
That tendency of mine explains why I was in the ex-Rivals thread. Think about it.

I had no part in the actual Rivals or Janty or Larry Foote, or this whole saga you are talking about.

You and Peter and Stakes obviously have some unanswered questions about that Rival era.
Get your heads together and figure that shit out, because continually trying to pin it on me is only getting you further from the truth.
Ok Toad
I sometimes go after people who I think are acting like a group of bullies instead of thinking individually.

I hear ya man. I have a similar mindset. However, when you do that you need to make sure that you know the whole story and not just what you are seeing. You may be walking into the middle of the story and the wrong party may get the ire of your wrath.
I hope they have huge guys walking around with STAFF on their black tshirts at Jackpot Joanie's when these two get together and the subject of Rivals gets broached.

I think we should convince Peter to wear a Superman costume so we can have a battle of superheroes.

I’ll film it of course.
I think we should convince Peter to wear a Superman costume so we can have a battle of superheroes.

I’ll film it of course.
A fistfight between Superman and Batman would be so commonplace at Joanie's that the chain-smoking Orientals on the penny slots probably wouldn't even look up.
I hear ya man. I have a similar mindset. However, when you do that you need to make sure that you know the whole story and not just what you are seeing. You may be walking into the middle of the story and the wrong party may get the ire of your wrath.

I've made that mistake, but my lovable personality usually wins them over.
Me, Toad and Peter...drinking together in Vegas!

Terrence Ross Wow GIF

Id have to intercede in order to save Peter from a murder charge because there would be a dead toad either on the strip or inside Jackpot Joanie’s.