Stalkers, Doxxers & Trolls, Oh My!

Someone with nothing to lose by being a lying assbag on the internet?


I just never saw that side of him. I’m not saying you are wrong but I never saw it. Maybe I just didn’t care. I always just saw him as a funny guy. I enjoyed posting with him. I wish he was still here
It's the latest Neeleman venture, so will be nice. How he keeps getting people to fall for his scam is beyond me.

His scam?
What do you mean "scam?"
I ask because I learned a few months ago Breeze airlines is offering a non-stop flight between San Francisco and Louisville.
That's something I've wanted, but never thought, not in a million years, would ever happen, and I'm planning to take that flight next spring or summer, at least if it still exists.
His scam?
What do you mean "scam?"
I ask because I learned a few months ago Breeze airlines is offering a non-stop flight between San Francisco and Louisville.
That's something I've wanted, but never thought, not in a million years, would ever happen, and I'm planning to take that flight next spring or summer, at least if it still exists.
Not a scam for customer, just investors. His model is to set up a new airline with differed rent on the craft of 5 years. During that time he makes huge profits and the airline is the next big deal in the low cost market. Airbus loves to do it because it gets them paid still down the road.
Some posters don't protect their anonymity for whatever reason.

Back before I quit for a year or so, I had been texting with probably half a dozen guys and was dumb enough to give my number to a poster I should have known better about. He got in with Zig's crew and together with my phone number and one bit of information they found by connecting some dots, they thought they had my name. That dickhead Yoga is one of them.

They don't have my name.
I always figured your name was Thurston Howell IV
Not a scam for customer, just investors. His model is to set up a new airline with differed rent on the craft of 5 years. During that time he makes huge profits and the airline is the next big deal in the low cost market. Airbus loves to do it because it gets them paid still down the road.

Ah, ok.
I certainly wouldn't know about any of that stuff, but it's good to know you weren't referring to it being a scam for those who fly the airline.
I'm just hoping the San Francisco <---> Louisville route is popular enough to stick around.
The thought of getting on a plane in SF and when I get off the plane, I'm in my hometown, makes me really happy.


I just never saw that side of him. I’m not saying you are wrong but I never saw it. Maybe I just didn’t care. I always just saw him as a funny guy. I enjoyed posting with him. I wish he was still here
He never struck me as a bad guy or someone I on the whole dislike he was easy target way too many times.
Rock is one-of-a-kind. He waded in with the big boys and I never saw him rattled even once. When you have mr. pickles registering "Rocks Dead Fetus" after Rock lost a stillborn child and your response is "it's no big deal lol" you're skin is pretty fucking thick.

Zero doubt if you asked Rock if you could crash on his couch for a week, he'd hand you some blankets and a bong. Unlike @Peter Gozintite who says "sorry, we're not set up for visitors."

oh fuck that clown, thick skin my ass. when you care as much as he did about how total strangers on a message board perceive you, you don't have thick skin.
He never struck me as a bad guy or someone I on the whole dislike he was easy target way too many times.
Rock reminds me of a life long friend of mine. He is a guy with golden heart, and would never do anything to hurt anyone,....except himself.

I always enjoyed bantering with the guy. Glad the POS who basically ran him off is gone though. I don't typically think anyone should be banned as a rule, but not missing the guys that got booted thus far.
I’ve known the guy for a long time, but at the risk of being banned (again), I’m gonna doxx @PeoplesChicken.

IRL, he’s Don Knotts.
Shocked Threes Company GIF
oh fuck that clown, thick skin my ass. when you care as much as he did about how total strangers on a message board perceive you, you don't have thick skin.
I wouldn’t say fuck him, but I agree with the rest. He tried way too hard to impress me with silly stories.
I'm just hoping the San Francisco <---> Louisville route is popular enough to stick around.

I wouldn't count on it.
In addition to what @fordman84 said, some of the airports offer these airlines money incentives to add direct flights to what they consider underserved destinations.

Then when the incentives dry up and they have to compete on an equal basis, they're gone.
We seem to get a new discount airline about every 3 or 4 years but they never stay long.
Take advantage while you can.