Stalkers, Doxxers & Trolls, Oh My!

That dude was so convinced that I was a @Handicappers alt he was PMing me as if I was handi and revealing all kinds of personal info. Even when I told him I’m not handi he just laughed it off and kept going.

He’s actually a pretty nice kid from what I could tell.
So...he's like everyone else?
To me, yes that's doxxing. There are Facebook photos out there of me, but not tied back to this place at all. I prefer to keep it that way. :beer2:

Gold Bond Smiling GIF
You already know the answer. I'm guessing you're just proud that you found someone? If you doxx someone here, you'll be persona non grata.
I’ve known the guy for a long time, but at the risk of being banned (again), I’m gonna doxx @PeoplesChicken.

IRL, he’s Don Knotts.
I’ve known the guy for a long time, but at the risk of being banned (again), I’m gonna doxx @PeoplesChicken.

IRL, he’s Don Knotts.
So... a zombie?

Trying finding his YouTube comments and LinkedIn pages. That's always good for a laugh, especially if you're trying to prove you're not desperate or anything.
Specific to this website, what is okay and what is over the line?

Is a troll who makes persistant personal attacks approaching stalker territory?

Is someone's personal info that wasn't volunteered on this site, but is available elsewhere on the web, free game on here...or is that doxxing?

I'm not complaining, I'm asking.

How anonymous are we?
Look Mike we all know you’re a faggot and your wife Lisa is a bitch so fuck off.
There was no bigger fan of Rock than I. I really wish he would just stop by from time to time and check in. He was the exact kind of guy I’d hang out with. I personally loved all his stories. My favorite was he posted a pic of him and bunch of people he went to college with. The pic was taken when they were in college. He was candid about the photo, the circumstances surrounding the photo, etc. He was a very unique poster. I’ve yet to come across one like him either before or since.
Someone with nothing to lose by being a lying assbag on the internet?
Rock is one-of-a-kind. He waded in with the big boys and I never saw him rattled even once. When you have mr. pickles registering "Rocks Dead Fetus" after Rock lost a stillborn child and your response is "it's no big deal lol" you're skin is pretty fucking thick.

Zero doubt if you asked Rock if you could crash on his couch for a week, he'd hand you some blankets and a bong. Unlike @Peter Gozintite who says "sorry, we're not set up for visitors."
He was rattled plenty of times. Any time he busted out the article about the Boy who touched the stars from the Backwoods Buttfuck Gazette..he was rattled.
There's new discount airline flying direct to Vegas out of Huntsville Al.
Breeze Airways.
We're giving it a try but I hope they don't suck as much as Frontier.
It's the latest Neeleman venture, so will be nice. How he keeps getting people to fall for his scam is beyond me.