The Official SEC thread

Damn. You play Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, LSU and Texas plus Michigan in 2025 (note if Ole Miss and Missouri keep playing like they have double damn).

Welcome to the SEC.
You don’t understand the land thieves. They view it the opposite way. Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, Texas, Michigan, Ole Miss and Missouri HAVE to play Oklahoma.
You don’t understand the land thieves. They view it the opposite way. Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, Texas, Michigan, Ole Miss and Missouri HAVE to play Oklahoma.
sylvester stallone video GIF
Which one of those was burned by Nic Anderson in the endzone for the game winner?
none of them.. it was a LB/Safety blown call.. LB is back.. Safety is not.. think he is at UTSA now through the portal :) #HookEm
Not have Stone or Jackson on that list is as laughable as not having Burkes on the WR list. It's okay OU just sitting back under the radar being quiet.
always the victim..

welcome to Burnt Venables, sooner football