tOfficial "Say something negative about the last person who posted" thread

Ok, apparently I don't understand this game.

I hate that too because I've been dying to use the found on road dead thing on fordman for a long time.
I thought you were making FORD into an acronym with Found On Road Dead. So I tried to do the same with FISH...Found In Side Hoe

I know the saying is usually "Side chick" but your name isn't FISC so I had to improvise.
Has had thoughts about Trubs tonight
Fantasizes about stealing crab legs
Wishes he could play a kazoo
Was voted into his Senior Superlatives as "Most Likely To Get A Participation Trophy For Masturbating In A Circle Jerk"
Has a cover band, that uses only harmonicas, and covers only Bach.
Suffers from early onset alzheimers disease.
Every morning he stares into his mirror and repeats his mantra:

“I Am We Todd Did. I Am Sofa King We Todd Did.”
Just dusted off his joke book, 1993 edition.
hurt himself today, just to see if he still feels.
Was thinking the other day, and it hurt, so he wont be doing again for while
His Senior Superlative was "Most likely to be inept at posting on sports related websites".