tReal Official Night Shift v67 powered by BitVCash and Spontaneous Dance Parties

The other day he referred to me as "Head of Facilities" to which I said, "That sounds like it's worth more than "property manager"

He smiled and said we need to talk salary soon.

Soon, but after you fix things.

That's the "call girl" rule of negotiation: The price of a service goes down after the service has been rendered.

Make the deal retroactive.

I'll send you a bill for that advice.
LinkedIn is still quasi professional. You want the full nanner nanner boo boo, post something for sale on Nextdoor.
Btfw- I installed a patio screen door AND one of those front door screens that zips into itself after work today. Instructos said it world take me half an hour.

I doubled it because I’m a boss.

I think it was harder trying to fit them both in my car than to install them.

I’m pretty much good at all the things. <flips a quarter to myself>

Ooo ... I have one of those front door screens, and it is awesome.
LinkedIn in a bunch of try hard tech bros trying to kiss their bosses asses while talking in a verbose way how great they are at their jobs.

And weird Indians.
Sad The Little Mermaid GIF