
eating popcorn GIF by Captain Obvious
And LOL @ RSVPing to a vegetarian cookout. Vegetarians are shitting on our ancestors who discovered cooking meat that lead to higher brainpower for mankind. Vegetarians make society as a whole dumber. All your smart animals eat meat.
pulse of the maggots GIF by Slipknot
DIAF, Peter.

He started it, so I am just making sure he gets what he paid for.
Did he though? Looks like you called him a fucking redneck for saying vegetarians aren't welcome at his house. Are you a vegetarian, so it's doubly offensive that he has that opinion? Or were you saying it affectionately?
Did he though? Looks like you called him a fucking redneck for saying vegetarians aren't welcome at his house. Are you a vegetarian, so it's doubly offensive that he has that opinion? Or were you saying it affectionately?
in another thread...I think the Pets thread

A quick trip to the grocery store will tell you that vegetarianism is unnatural. In every grocery store of any size, there’s a section of vegetarian options that have been tarted up to taste like meat. There’d be no market for that if people didn’t naturally crave meat.
A quick trip to the grocery store will tell you that vegetarianism is unnatural. In every grocery store of any size, there’s a section of vegetarian options that have been tarted up to taste like meat. There’d be no market for that if people didn’t naturally crave meat.
you know vegetables are also vegetarian. Not all vegetarians go for the fake meat stuff.
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I get the idea of being a vegetarian....

This is what I don't get....I'm not a vegetarian.

If I have a BBQ and I know a vegetarian is coming over I will serve a veggie burger alongside my hamburgers.

However if I go over to a vegetarian's BBQ they don't serve hamburgers alongside the veggie burgers they are cooking....

burgers aren't BBQ. Cocksucker.
you know vegetables are also vegetarian. Not all vegetarians go for the fake meat stuff.
She don't eat meat, but she sure likes the bone!
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I get the point

but the vegetarian section isn't what most vegetarians go for.
You do realize that grocery stores stock items because there’s a market for them, correct? They don’t just put things on the shelves that they have no expectation of getting sold.