What are you reading?

As I'm always in a search for authors and generally read everything they put out if I like them, I'm going to cruise through Haig's work first. Library has all of them.

Then I'll zoom back to Crouch.

I've still got 13 or so of those Indigenous books to go.
I can't seem to do it like that where you read all of one author in a row. I need to break it up with different material.
Troubled Blood - Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling's pseudonym), 927 pages in hardcover. Highly decent. GOing to read all 4 others too.

The Hypnotist - Lars Keppler (Swedish husband and wife team) - gritty and dark. 7 more of them to read.
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I actually think I saw the Galbraith book was a BBC series? C.B. Strike?

I'll wait till I read all before viewing.
Troubled Blood - Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling's pseudonym), 927 pages in hardcover. Highly decent. GOing to read all 4 others too.

The Hypnotist - Lars Keppler (Swedish husband and wife team) - gritty and dark. 7 more of them to read.
I need a good ongoing series like those to read. I am doing the Baldacci Memory Man series, but not sure when the next book is coming out.

need to find that next good character that I can get into. Maybe I will continue with the Nelson Demille books...
I need a good ongoing series like those to read. I am doing the Baldacci Memory Man series, but not sure when the next book is coming out.

need to find that next good character that I can get into. Maybe I will continue with the Nelson Demille books...

Those I just mentioned are not sci-fi. Just hard boiled investigators looking at dark things.
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Okay, I'll admit it.

In addition to reading the gargantuan Ullrich Volker's "Hitler - Ascent" I've also been reading Regency novels.

Don't tell anybody.
I need a good ongoing series like those to read. I am doing the Baldacci Memory Man series, but not sure when the next book is coming out.

need to find that next good character that I can get into. Maybe I will continue with the Nelson Demille books...
If you ever want to discuss Baldacci ad nauseum I'll put you in touch with my Dad. OMG he's told me at least half a dozen times the synopsis of the entire series and I sit there listening to it all, all over again. :L
If you ever want to discuss Baldacci ad nauseum I'll put you in touch with my Dad. OMG he's told me at least half a dozen times the synopsis of the entire series and I sit there listening to it all, all over again. :facepalm:
nah I'm good

it's just a mindless cop book for me...I don't try to overanalyze them
I wanted some light stuff, so I'm re-reading all of Pratchett's Discworld books.
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Pascoe and Dalziel series - Reginald Hill.

Not sure why I haven't read all these before but I am now.

I didn't even watch the series on PBS. That's a big black eye for me.
Finished reading Fall of Giants by Ken Follet. A great 3 book epic but before I get into book 2, A Winter of the World, I'm taking a break with a Jack Reacher novel.
I have been reading The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison but with this work schedule, not getting a lot of time to read.
Just finished Dark Horse from Gregg Hurwitz, the seventh book in the Orphan X series.

Still my favorite author and still my favorite series. He continues to show a depth with this series and it’s character and is still fleshing our character development great. It’s a slow burn but it’s there through the whole series.

While he is plumbing emotional depths of a complex character and showing development there the action parts have seemed to diminish a little. They are still amazing, wrapped in latest tech and understanding of all things technical. They are still suspenseful and crazy as hell. They just feel even less grounded in possible reality (let’s face it….this characters skill level is not realistic anyway).

The expense of this for the emotional development is worth it though. I appreciate a series that can develop a character.

There is a seventh compelling reason to read this series, and the eighth is coming early next year.
Shutter Island - Dennis Lehane
The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie.

Just started but intriguing.
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The Soul of America, The Battle for our Better Angels - Jon Meacham
Picked up the latest Tim Dorsey from the library yesterday. Serge and Coleman coming up.
Finished The Blade Itself. Not bad. I have to wait for #2 from the library now.
Son of a bitch if the libray didn't have #2 (Before They Are Hanged) on Friday.

I'm about 300 pages in having spent my morning reading.

More action than the first one so far.
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