Workless Wednesday

Depressing way to start a morning.
Seems to be today's thread theme.

I thought it was bad when everyone was just discussing inane shit, like what they had for supper, but it's gotten worse.
Yes, I asked if it was racist because I simply couldn't understand what she was saying. It's no different than not understanding a UK accent.

I don't understand Conor McGregor half the time either. So I'm racist against white people too it seems.
fookin aye lad ye wanna trow down?
come on, don't use my line against me.

we are friends, Fish. Member?
He doesn't remember anything at his age.
It's just weird because he went on a big whiney diatribe about how this place was going to become "the next 4chan" and since he learned that there are essentially not a lot of rules, which he was complaining about, he's doing exactly what he was complaining about.

you really study all my posts don't you?

that's cute.

what's a butt shrug?
That reminds me of when I first met Mrs Redfoot. I was sitting at the bar, she walked up to me and in a sultry voice whispered in my ear, "give me ten inches and make it hurt."

So I fucked her three times and punched her in the eye.
An oldie, but a goodie.
Had to postpone a trip to see the daughter and SIL due to winter storm warning later this week. Could see 10 inches on Saturday.

That's close to a Shiancoe.
Got 8 inches here yesterday. Nuts.
Him and Rubin......LOL.
Not white knighting. Douche is a big enough boy (well you get the point) to handle himself. And its fair to give him a hard time with his schtick.

But turning the morning thread into the PF because someone said they didn't like a black comedian? The thread is already at 7 pages of mostly going back and forth about calling someone racist. It would be pretty easy to confuse this with a PF thread. Im just pointing out some hypocrisies.
Seems to be today's thread theme.

I thought it was bad when everyone was just discussing inane shit, like what they had for supper, but it's gotten worse.
Oh ffs. Don't get the fatties started
Got 8 inches here yesterday. Nuts.
We got about 14 inches over the weekend, heavy and wet. It's mostly melted now, but two more "snow events" are expected in the coming days.

Central Wyoming highways are no place to be with blowing/drifting snow.