Leap of faith - religion or science?

Dunno where this falls for this argument, but babies suck their thumbs in utero and it has nothing to do with hunger, it's a way to self-soothe.
Babies breath air, instinctively.

And caterpillars don’t fly.
Is “inherent” the same as “pre-programmed”?
I think so.

If a fish hatches and can’t swim, it’s not a fish for very long.
None of these examples have to do with people speficially. I dont see animals going to church either. Reign it in folks.

Too much of what passes for science (re: climate and gender) today is a sham that plays the scientific method backwards. I threw our resident water head a bone a couple of hours ago to see if he could admit that a lot of modern science has been corrupted by politics, but he is not too bright and he failed miserably as he usually does.

Consider that the origins of modern science are rooted in the theologians and without the intellectuals that the church educated science as we know would have been set back several hundred years or more. I'm not a religious guy, but I can't sit here and deny the obvious. No one that takes a pragmatic view of modern science has an issue with the contributions of the "church" nor do they just discount faith out of hand as if it is witchcraft.
You not having a clue isn’t a fault in science.

You not having a clue isn’t a fault in science.

You're mentally fucking retarded. I don't know who that pussy in the video you linked is and I won't be watching because I know that if you agree with him he is also mentally fucking retarded.
You're mentally fucking retarded. I don't know who that pussy in the video you linked is and I won't be watching because I know that if you agree with him he is also mentally fucking retarded.
He’s a biologist explaining biology. Of course you won’t be watching, you’re a proud dumbfuck.
He’s a biologist explaining biology. Of course you won’t be watching, you’re a proud dumbfuck.
Your little queerboi video had nothing to do with any of my comments in this thread, but of course I know that you fucking homos are self loathing bunch so you just had to be a cunt for no reason. You're welcome to eat a bag of dicks (again) and then try posting something that either refutes my comment or not. You're worthless random faggotry is duly noted though :thumb:
Your little queerboi video had nothing to do with any of my comments in this thread, but of course I know that you fucking homos are self loathing bunch so you just had to be a cunt for no reason. You're welcome to eat a bag of dicks (again) and then try posting something that either refutes my comment or not. You're worthless random faggotry is duly noted though :thumb:
How do you know what it had to do with? You didn’t watch… do you try to be stupid, or is it just the way you are, seems like you put at least some effort into it.

Anyway… it refutes your comment displaying you have no clue about biology and how it relates to gender. You’re welcome, you can now be slightly less stupid.
I reject your premise.

Religion involves a static doctrine.

Science involves an evolving method per evidence.

Faith is useless.

^^the man has no faith and his spirit comes from a turtleneck
How do you know what it had to do with? You didn’t watch… do you try to be stupid, or is it just the way you are, seems like you put at least some effort into it.

Anyway… it refutes your comment displaying you have no clue about biology and how it relates to gender. You’re welcome, you can now be slightly less stupid.
You're a piece of shit and I will never click on any retarded link that you post. I weep for whatever organism that is responsible for turning your ignorant ass loose on Mother Gaia.
I cant subscribe to any religion, so no leap there. I understand the difference between faith/spirituality and religion, but don't have a belief in a higher power or creator.

Some people talk about energy, and how it cant be created nor destroyed. I know someone that thinks the simple electrical transmissions between the brain and nerves, as our energy/soul and when we die that energy just emits into the universe I guess. I don't see it that way at all, and would think that our body energy is broken down by other creatures and back into the earth.

I honestly think we are no where near as special as we think we are. The idea that there must be an eternal existence for us is the most remarkably arrogant thought process I can come up with. Like honestly, who the fuck do we think we are, that only humans live forever? Even if you think your dog will be waiting for you in heaven, do any other life forms get there? I believe this to be a construct of the human brain to deal with the idea of death. It is a coping mechanism that allows people to actually not deal with the fact they will die. I dont KNOW this, but believe it.

I think science is great, and has solves so many mysteries of or world. I also understand that so much of our current science is bullshit, and engineered, for lack of a better term, for desired outcomes. When it comes to science, I am obviously not smart enough to go out and perform my own studies, so I have to rely on other people to inform me, but finding what to believe, and what not to believe, can be very difficult. Not leaping with science, but I have to trust it more than books written by man centuries ago.

I think that life/consciousness is a gift, by whatever means we have a arrived at it. It is amazing that we have this opportunity to experience the universe, and our planet. I think that were connected to nothing but the planet and universe, on a molecular level. If you look around, the entire universe is nothing but energy/matter transforming, or breaking down, into other energy/matter. Life also does this, whether conscious or not. We may be nothing more than an anomaly of this process.

Just because we have this cognitive ability, and manipulate our environment better than other life forms, we put ourselves on this pedestal. We are indoctrinated into believing we are so important in the world/universe from birth. We are no more important than any other life, with the exception of mosquitos, and wasps/hornets. Fuck them.

I have a very simple belief that we are nothing but what we learn and teach. That our lives are enormously improved, or degraded, by how we are taught and learn. We have to be taught everything from birth. EVERYTHING. We are born knowing nothing. What were are taught, from basic knowledge, love, empathy, respect, hatred, how to fucking walk and talk. I have said this before, and believe it to be true, that what you leave behind, good or bad, is all that is left of you. Now obviously what is good and bad can be debated, but if your life experience is made better by something, I consider it good. If your life experience is made bad by something, It should be bad. I am not talking about cocaine and sex, even though those may have pleasurable results, it not the overall life experience I mean.

For example, if you are loved from a young age, your parents have given that to you, and hopefully you continue that cycle. Some one in their lineage gave that to them, through generations of love. If you are abused at a young age, that generally comes from those before your abuser. You can make a conscious decision to break those cycles, and leave something different for the ones that follow you. Whether your name is attached to it or not, hopefully centuries from now, the good or bad you perpetuate is the only thing left of your existence. Even those that seek fame, or fortune, or to have monuments built for them, one day none of that will mean a single thing.
I like a lot of this. Do you believe in Jesus? That he walked this earth?
I like a lot of this. Do you believe in Jesus? That he walked this earth?
Not really. From what I have seen, there is no real historic record that he ever existed. There are religious records, but nothing from the time he was supposed to have lived.
I like a lot of this. Do you believe in Jesus? That he walked this earth?
Image result for no gif
Not really. From what I have seen, there is no real historic record that he ever existed. There are religious records, but nothing from the time he was supposed to have lived.

Before Christ or “BC” is an interesting part of history. Seeing that there was a lot that happen before Christ n sech.

wiki even believes

science v religion thread 4 pages in without this video? for shame
