USPS is finally failing

haha, that's funny. I had an employee come into my office one time who had JUST come off probation, so been there just at 6 months. He sat down all dejected and said that he "didn't feel motivated to work". I took a second to compose myself and looked him dead in the eyes and said "If the money you are paid to work isn't enough motivation then I can put the the request to halt it right now. What do you think, should I pull up this system and hit the Terminate button?"
He rambled on about some shit going on in his life and we talked about it, but holy hell kid. You haven't even been here 6 months and already were laying the groundwork to ask for more money? I know you can only motivate someone with money for a short amount of time.

Needless to say that guy wasn't working for us much longer. No time for that shit to coddle someone who is barely one foot in the door.

Russians and Chinese don't coddle their kids like many here do.
Participation trophy society. Tracks.
Everyone's skill sets are different. I'm totally fine with rewarding the best package deliverer more than the person that would be better suited to digging ditches and is in the wrong line of work.

So, just fire the poor box carry people and keep the ones who carry boxes to satisfactory levels.
wages are for satisfactory work. Incentives are for more than satisfactory work.

You get paid to produce. Those that produce more get paid more. It's not a job, it's an adventure

Go Navy!!
Stop being dense. Some people are better at "the job" than others.

I remember back in college working at night to pack trucks. you had to scan every package when you loaded it on a truck and you'd get a report the next day on all the stuff you sent the wrong route. After the first 2 weeks I had no misdirected packages so they wanted to move me to the main sort for all the trucks. Luckily I also just got an offer for an internship at IBM so I didn't have to do that much harder harder job for the same pay.
Russians and Chinese don't coddle their kids like many here do.
It certainly has been a more prevalent issue with the millennial generation. There is no middle ground with that crew. They are either worthless pieces of shit who need constant affirmation that they are special and everyone loves them, or they are a take-no-prisoners type who are laser focused on busting their ass and moving up the chain.
good luck negotiating that with their unions...
"Bob got a bonus last year, so now we all want that same bonus guaranteed in our next contract or we strike".
It certainly has been a more prevalent issue with the millennial generation. There is no middle ground with that crew. They are either worthless pieces of shit who need constant affirmation that they are special and everyone loves them, or they are a take-no-prisoners type who are laser focused on busting their ass and moving up the chain.
Give me the guy/gal is is laser-focused on doing the best they can with the task at hand. They are worth their weight in gold.
"Bob got a bonus last year, so now we all want that same bonus guaranteed in our next contract or we strike".

work performance is meaningless when all wages are negotiated as a group.
Give me the guy/gal is is laser-focused on doing the best they can with the task at hand. They are worth their weight in gold.
Hell yeah. The problem is that the worthless ones are pretty good at hiding it and appearing to be the hard working ones in interviews. I can now spot the BS pretty easily, but it takes getting burned a few times.
wages are for satisfactory work. Incentives are for more than satisfactory work.

You get paid to produce. Those that produce more get paid more. It's not a job, it's an adventure

Go Navy!!
The driver's job is to deliver 20 widgets. The company gives them the gameplan for their day, saying they can deliver 20 widgets in their 8 hours.

Do you suggest they just buck the gameplan and grab 25 widgets to try and deliver in those 8 hours? If they only get to 20 widgets, as the company projected, do you then not pay them to deliver those 5 other widgets? Or to you give them "incentive" (see: OT Pay) to deliver 5 extra widgets, even though that wasn't in the gameplan?
The driver's job is to deliver 20 widgets. The company gives them the gameplan for their day, saying they can deliver 20 widgets in their 8 hours.

Do you suggest they just buck the gameplan and grab 25 widgets to try and deliver in those 8 hours? If they only get to 20 widgets, as the company projected, do you then not pay them to deliver those 5 other widgets? Or to you give them "incentive" (see: OT Pay) to deliver 5 extra widgets, even though that wasn't in the gameplan?
In that scenario I'd tell them they have 8 hours worth of work and will get paid for 8 hours of work. If they finish in 7 then they get a free hour. If they finish in 9 then thanks for the donation. :happy:
In that scenario I'd tell them they have 8 hours worth of work and will get paid for 8 hours of work. If they finish in 7 then they get a free hour. If they finish in 9 then thanks for the donation. :happy:
Bingo. It's wild how society nowadays wants to simply give trophies out for doing what is asked.
In that scenario I'd tell them they have 8 hours worth of work and will get paid for 8 hours of work. If they finish in 7 then they get a free hour. If they finish in 9 then thanks for the donation. :happy:
Zactly. Pay for production, not time.
The driver's job is to deliver 20 widgets. The company gives them the gameplan for their day, saying they can deliver 20 widgets in their 8 hours.

Do you suggest they just buck the gameplan and grab 25 widgets to try and deliver in those 8 hours? If they only get to 20 widgets, as the company projected, do you then not pay them to deliver those 5 other widgets? Or to you give them "incentive" (see: OT Pay) to deliver 5 extra widgets, even though that wasn't in the gameplan?

you are seriously the dumbest motherfucker I've ever conversed with.
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I want employees like Brian, who have 37 pieces of flair and an exceptional smile.