2025 Recruiting Thread

LOL just realized I said Littlejohn.

So Hill is listed as an edge, but I think he's going to play LB in college. He's 6'3", 220 so not sure he's going to be the type of edge we normally want. He's a true pass rusher though.

I think Hill is definitely a Hybrid type player, I'm sure they will have him all over the place. He's not a True LB in the sense that Pettijohn is, I don't think he'd really be taking much if any playing time away from him. Also its been known for awhile that Hill was pretty much going to be in this class, if Pettijohn goes somewhere else I doubt its directly because of Hill.
Shhhhh looks like I may have been wrong about Jonah Williams, he's getting CB's to Oregon.. Thought if he played football (which still isn't certain) it would be at aggy.. Did Phil get a 3 years to live diagnosis?
Shhhhh looks like I may have been wrong about Jonah Williams, he's getting CB's to Oregon.. Thought if he played football (which still isn't certain) it would be at aggy.. Did Phil get a 3 years to live diagnosis?
I'm wondering if he's not changing his tune about playing football. If that's the case, he's got no reason to go to the Aggy dumpsterfire when he has far better options.
These last minute swings seem to overwhelmingly go against us lol.
Don't take this the wrong way, but that is what happens if the main thing that attracts them is NIL. I am not saying that is the case here because for the past couple of years, tOSU hasn't relied as heavily on NIL. But that seems to have changed, and perhaps that's why you are seeing this.

More likely, you are in a state that doesn't have as much talent as FL, GA, AL, TX, and CA, so you have to recruit people from those states who are then more easily persuaded to stay home.

At the end of the day, you are likely going to have the no. 1 class, so I wouldn't be too concerned.
Don't take this the wrong way, but that is what happens if the main thing that attracts them is NIL. I am not saying that is the case here because for the past couple of years, tOSU hasn't relied as heavily on NIL. But that seems to have changed, and perhaps that's why you are seeing this.

More likely, you are in a state that doesn't have as much talent as FL, GA, AL, TX, and CA, so you have to recruit people from those states who are then more easily persuaded to stay home.

At the end of the day, you are likely going to have the no. 1 class, so I wouldn't be too concerned.

I don't think NIL is the case for Hill. His mom is a huge Bama fan and has been pushing for that. You can't really argue with Bama's success with "EDGE" type players either. Hill is a "Ohio Kid" but we have always had pretty poor luck with Cincinnati kids, we lose them on regular occasion to Notre Dame and the SEC, it's a different world down there in Southern Ohio.
There's been a lot of anti-Ohio State butthurt in Southern Ohio when it comes to recruiting for as long as I've followed it. I'm not exactly sure why, I have heard that John Cooper burnt a lot of bridges down there when he was the coach though and we've never rebuilt them. The kids a lot of the time might be all about Ohio State but their families aren't and drive them elsewhere.
for the tosu fans.. our $9.95ers are pretty adamant that Pettijohn is heading to SC.. they couldn't believe it either but that's the word
damn Bama has been on a heater this summer

Yea they have. This one hurts mostly because one of our other top "EDGE" recruits Zhair Mathis is supposedly struggling with grades and weight issues and might not end up in the class. Which would leave us with 1. Which means we'd probably have to find a "Plan B" guy to fill in the hole
I don't think NIL is the case for Hill. His mom is a huge Bama fan and has been pushing for that. You can't really argue with Bama's success with "EDGE" type players either. Hill is a "Ohio Kid" but we have always had pretty poor luck with Cincinnati kids, we lose them on regular occasion to Notre Dame and the SEC, it's a different world down there in Southern Ohio.
It evens out. Yall are getting Na’eem Offord because his folks hate Alabama. And they especially hate Alabamas new DB coach because he supposedly did Offords older brother wrong at Buffalo
It evens out. Yall are getting Na’eem Offord because his folks hate Alabama. And they especially hate Alabamas new DB coach because he supposedly did Offords older brother wrong at Buffalo

Yea it really does even out here. We got Zion Grady from Bama too. Recruiting is extra whacky now a days never thought we'd ever end up with 2 top 100 guys from Bama.

And like I said I really can't fault Hill for picking Bama, y'all have proven to develop guys like him more than we have recently and your scheme fits him a lot better. Rather he'd be at Bama than Oregon.