All tackles lead with the head

Surprised nobody even mentioned (unless I missed it)...same kid got ejected from the LSU game for the same crown didn't look nearly as bad but you think he would have learned by now.

OP doesn't know the rules.


They reminded us of it during tOSU/Clemson game after he got ejected.

Many more of those and dude will be wheel chair bound and eating out of a tube.
Surprised nobody even mentioned (unless I missed it)...same kid got ejected from the LSU game for the same crown didn't look nearly as bad but you think he would have learned by now.

OP doesn't know the rules.

"Solid tackle "
Ejection in Bama TOSU ncg:
If he kept his eyes up, he’d still hit helmet to helmet... which is also illegal under this rule and will also get you ejected. Right?
If he tucked his head and got even lower and hit on the ribs, he can still get ejected under the same rule (as y’all pointed out and supported in the TOSU CLEMSON game), right?
So, under this rule, there is literally nothing he could have done in this situation (besides deciding not to tackle) to avoid being thrown out under this rule y’all love.
Hit on devonta (which injured his hand) was helmet to helmet level too. But devonta just didn’t shift his head just two inches to the right if he did, the tackler would have been ejected. Stupid rule. Stupid prosecution.
back to iggy until oct...dumbass
Tampa Bay vs Green Bay.
DB just forced a fumble.
head first.
eyes down.
crown leads.
Laughable rule.

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Tampa Bay vs Green Bay.
DB just forced a fumble.
head first.
eyes down.
crown leads.
Laughable rule.

You flaming idiot.

He's making the tackle with his shoulder pad. Not the crown of his helmet. His helmet happens to knock the ball out.

You flaming idiot.

He's making the tackle with his shoulder pad. Not the crown of his helmet. His helmet happens to knock the ball out.

View attachment 18093
Exactly my point, you dunce. If the runner shifts a few inches to avoid the tackle, the helmet hits crown first on the body. GODDAMN YOURE DUMB. THATS MY ENTIRE POINT
Y’all cheer that Bills screen play tackle. But how was that not helmet to helmet targeting. Lmao
I see eljex is still fighting the ole fight.
Exactly my point, you dunce. If the runner shifts a few inches to avoid the tackle, the helmet hits crown first on the body. GODDAMN YOURE DUMB. THATS MY ENTIRE POINT

You flaming idiot. Watch your video again. Whiteheads helmet didn't even hit the ball, it was his shoulder pad that hit the ball.

It's the announcer saying he "puts a hat right on the football". The announcer was wrong.
There was not time for 'the runner to shift a few inches'. Whitehead came in like a dart with his head up all the way until the split second before the tackle. Not even close to spearing with the crown of the helmet.



You flaming idiot. Watch your video again. Whiteheads helmet didn't even hit the ball, it was his shoulder pad that hit the ball.

It's the announcer saying he "puts a hat right on the football". The announcer was wrong.
There was not time for 'the runner to shift a few inches'. Whitehead came in like a dart with his head up all the way until the split second before the tackle. Not even close to spearing with the crown of the helmet.


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I didn’t say his helmet hit the ball.
And that has nothing to do with the argument.

i love your stupid rationalizing: “he came in like a dart and only lowered his head at the end.” Lmao. As if that would get you out of the penalty when they throw the flag.

facts: head first, eyes down, crown leading.

yes. It was textbook. Like every other form tackle ever. Like what the title of this thread refers to.

And you’re defending this tackle.

you are literally arguing my point for me.
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