All tackles lead with the head

No, that's no fun, and I just got here. There is a lot to work with. Let's see...
Noob (who can’t spell; it’s YOU’RE on your previous reply FYI) tries to look to his boyfriends for approval to join in the fun, all while not contributing to the topic. Excuse me while I yawn, shitheel.
Noob (who can’t spell; it’s YOU’RE on your previous reply FYI) tries to look to his boyfriends for approval to join in the fun, all while not contributing to the topic. Excuse me while I yawn, shitheel.

I'm super drunk, and I'm not looking to add any kind of judgement or thoughts to a call on the field because it doesn't matter in any meaningful way. I'm just going to make you upset and unsure. My dick also leads with the head.
Noob (who can’t spell; it’s YOU’RE on your previous reply FYI) tries to look to his boyfriends for approval to join in the fun, all while not contributing to the topic. Excuse me while I yawn, shitheel.

I'm super drunk, and I'm not looking to add any kind of judgement or thoughts to a call on the field because it doesn't matter in any meaningful way. I'm just going to make you upset and unsure. My dick also leads with the head.
No tackles lead with the head!
I'm super drunk, and I'm not looking to add any kind of judgement or thoughts to a call on the field because it doesn't matter in any meaningful way. I'm just going to make you upset and unsure. My dick also leads with the head.
Im not psychic, but you have Fridays off.
Noob (who can’t spell; it’s YOU’RE on your previous reply FYI) tries to look to his boyfriends for approval to join in the fun, all while not contributing to the topic. Excuse me while I yawn, shitheel.

You are an oppressed individual. Your singular intelligence isn't being recognized be

Im not psychic, but you have Fridays off.

It's a disappointing situation. I usually have close to 50 hours by Thursday and I usually go in Friday for some time to explain some things in meetings. I go in Saturdays to ensure they're properly implemented. It is all very basic, but people are fallible. I have to go in too often. It's very disappointing and underwhelming. You have hassled me, so I'll give you my problems. This weekend. I'm taking a shit. No working weekend. I dgaf.
You are an oppressed individual. Your singular intelligence isn't being recognized be

I’m not a millennial, dipstick; I don’t feel oppressed.
but the second part is true. “Your” very astute in that... for a dunce.

This was a hard hit that actually jarred the ball loose IIRC. Someone needs to explain this shit to me bc his head is up
View attachment 19140

This was a hard hit that actually jarred the ball loose IIRC. Someone needs to explain this shit to me bc his head is up
You found one. Pssst. Look at their heads. They’re at the same level. Pssst. That’s the very thing you’re trying to avoid.
Keep proving my point for me.
Pssst. Look at their heads. They’re at the same level. Pssst.

What were they at initial contact? Where is your still shot then?
What were they at initial contact? Where is your still shot then?
Yeah. Let’s see it. I’ve posted about 200 form tackles on this and the previous forums. All head before shoulders. All eyes down. The TWO that have been posted here are both at helmet to helmet level, and the previous one was definite helmet to helmet contact.
You found one. Pssst. Look at their heads. They’re at the same level. Pssst. That’s the very thing you’re trying to avoid.
Keep proving my point for me.

Your point was that this type of tackle is impossible so not sure how I proved it. How are their heads at the same level? The tacklers head is at the ball carriers shoulder.
90 percent of your still shots are as the tacklers are driving through the tackle to the ground so of course their heads are going to be down at that point. You would have found a still of this tackler as Werner continued the hit and drove him to the turf and been like "Derrrr lead with head!!!"
Your point was that this type of tackle is impossible so not sure how I proved it. How are their heads at the same level? The tacklers head is at the ball carriers shoulder.
90 percent of your still shots are as the tacklers are driving through the tackle to the ground so of course their heads are going to be down at that point. You would have found a still of this tackler as Werner continued the hit and drove him to the turf and been like "Derrrr lead with head!!!"
That’s an ejection if the carrier moved a couple of inches to the side... by this same exact rule. Helmet at helmet level. Thanks for proving my point. Yet again.

Step #4: Head Up
While you're doing Steps 1-3, make sure that you’re keeping your head back and up, and your eyes up as well.
Your neck will be back slightly, but not perfectly straight up and down.
This allows you to maintain good sight of the field and also keep your head and neck in a safe position as you make a tackle.
This is perhaps the biggest key to tackling properly.
If your head is down, it puts you in an extremely vulnerable position.
Not only does it make it easy for defenders to evade your tackle; it also puts you at extreme risk for very serious head and neck injuries.

Step #4: Head Up
While you're doing Steps 1-3, make sure that you’re keeping your head back and up, and your eyes up as well.
Your neck will be back slightly, but not perfectly straight up and down.
This allows you to maintain good sight of the field and also keep your head and neck in a safe position as you make a tackle.
This is perhaps the biggest key to tackling properly.
If your head is down, it puts you in an extremely vulnerable position.
Not only does it make it easy for defenders to evade your tackle; it also puts you at extreme risk for very serious head and neck injuries.
No one is talking about running at people from seven yards away with your head down. That’s not a part of the enforcement of the penalty.
If your head is down at the point of contact, you can get penalized. . And all tackles at the point of contact lead with head in front of the shoulders and eyes down. RE: google image searches I’ve posted 200+ times.
That’s an ejection if the carrier moved a couple of inches to the side... by this same exact rule. Helmet at helmet level. Thanks for proving my point. Yet again.
View attachment 19180

Lol "their helmets are on the same level. Let me prove it to you by drawing two lines on different levels"

The tackler keeping his head up allows to him to, get this, SEE, where the ball carriers head is, thus allowing him to avoid helmet to helmet contact