BREAKING: Saban Retiring

$20 million is a normal buyout in the SEC it won’t be a roadblock.
McElroy said Lanning is the top choice, but unlikely to happen due to the buy out.
Sark- would be a top pick, but unrealistic to expect mutual interst
Kiffin- out, burned bridges
Dameaco Ryans- some bad blood there, because of how Kines was treated
Norvell- the most likely candidate
That's when Lanning or Smart make the move.
Lanning, maybe. I am a little worried about Kirby going to the NFL, but not another college team unless he goes to the NFL and fails and comes back to college
McElroy said Lanning is the top choice, but unlikely to happen due to the buy out.
Sark- would be a top pick, but unrealistic to expect mutual interst
Kiffin- out, burned bridges
Dameaco Ryans- some bad blood there, because of how Kines was treated
Norvell- the most likely candidate
I'd put money on Kiffin at this point.

Lanning out - Wasn't the buyout
Sark - He would be insane
Ryans - He will have a SB contender in the next couple of years and be a god in Houston
Norvell - I really don't know much about him other than he had issues with his team calling him out for lying a couple of years ago and he has produced one good season.

The fact is Alabama has never been better than when Sark or Kiffin was running the offense so if they are smart it will be Kiffin because no one else is going to bring what he brings to the table and not be scared of following Saban.
Lanning, maybe. I am a little worried about Kirby going to the NFL, but not another college team unless he goes to the NFL and fails and comes back to college
I think the NFL is more scheme oriented and not so much talent oriented. Smart at Georgia is more talent than scheme. I believe that is why Saban and Meyer both failed in the NFL.
I think the NFL is more scheme oriented and not so much talent oriented. Smart at Georgia is more talent than scheme. I believe that is why Saban and Meyer both failed in the NFL.
I have no doubt Kirby would fail in the NFL like Saban and Meyer, but I also think he’d be a fool to turn down the opportunity.

Not like he’s not already set financially for life. It’s a low risk/high reward situation for him if the opportunity presented itself IMO

He’d be getting paid a comparable salary with none of the headache that is recruiting/transfer portal/NIL and can actually have a life outside of football
he believes he can get them at Oregon
Honestly? If I were Lanning I wouldn't leave Oregon for Bama. He's got a nice setup where he is and is gonna get paid and the program is his. Going to Bama, he will get paid but will be the guy replacing THE GUY. That rarely works out well.
I think the NFL is more scheme oriented and not so much talent oriented. Smart at Georgia is more talent than scheme. I believe that is why Saban and Meyer both failed in the NFL.
I've said it a 100 times that Saban beats you with the talent he doesn't out-coach anyone. Kirby is the same and in some ways is worse than Saban as he has lost big games by making mind-numbing bad decisions.
I have no doubt Kirby would fail in the NFL like Saban and Meyer, but I also think he’d be a fool to turn down the opportunity.

Not like he’s not already set financially for life. It’s a low risk/high reward situation for him if the opportunity presented itself IMO

He’d be getting paid a comparable salary with none of the headache that is recruiting/transfer portal/NIL and can actually have a life outside of football
Some guys love recruiting and talking to 18-year-olds all day. Jimbo Fisher was one of those who loved the thrill of the recruiting hunt and building relationships.

I don't get it but its a thing.
Some guys love recruiting and talking to 18-year-olds all day. Jimbo Fisher was one of those who loved the thrill of the recruiting hunt and building relationships.

I don't get it but its a thing.
I think that was an aspect that Saban liked and excelled at. That isn't going to work in the NFL. You are trying to tyrant coach grown men who don't have any loyalty to you other than a contract.
There's a newscaster in Eugene that needs to be fired then lol. He stirred up a bunch of shit without verifying sources.

I’m shocked a 22 year old local PNW reporter didn’t have the inside scoop on who Alabama is hiring
I've said it a 100 times that Saban beats you with the talent he doesn't out-coach anyone. Kirby is the same and in some ways is worse than Saban as he has lost big games by making mind-numbing bad decisions.
Yet, not that many games lost. Saban is an organizational coach. He builds systems, focuses on details and gets the right people in place to run things. On the other end of the spectrum a coach like Kiffin is going to call the plays himself and puts the outcome of a game on his shoulders.
You can't go live with that kind of thing without VERIFIED sources as an actual newscaster. He's getting shredded online.
As he should be. If you are gonna break news like that you better have your shit together. That dipshit Doug Gottlieb has tried doing that a couple of times and is viewed as a joke.
Yet, not that many games lost. Saban is an organizational coach. He builds systems, focuses on details and gets the right people in place to run things. On the other end of the spectrum a coach like Kiffin is going to call the plays himself and puts the outcome of a game on his shoulders.
Kiffin is dangerous he can be the greatest coach on the planet and the worst. He is the guy who has bought completely into analytics but doesn't consider going on 4th and 1 a risk but an investment but his brain sometimes tells him 4th and 8 on his own 30 or in field goal range is 4th and 1.

No one is a better at play calling in the game today than Kiffin though. His game plan for Penn State was brilliant, especially in the opening quarter. Washington should have studied that film and copied it on their first couple of drives against Michigan.

My favorite was in the SEC Championship game between Missouri and Alabama Kiffin had studied the prior year game against Auburn and ran all plays based on Auburn's performance in the first drive and we are talking HUNH and tempo. Missouri must have shit a brick because Bama hadn't run anything like that all year and the year before they couldn't stop Auburn to save their life. Bama scored quickly and then Kiffin went back to his offense with a little HUNH mixed in.