Good Documentaries?

I mentioned this elsewhere but I highly recommend it. You'll enjoy every minute.

Good call here. I found this on Netflix today. Just a great story! You know a Russian named Tarzan would be just like this guy.
Just watched Crime Scene: Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.

It was pretty well done. Good sourcing of people in it and good pacing on laying out the main part of it....the disappearance of Elisa Lam in 2013. Good back history on the Cecil Hotel, which is morbidly fascinating. For anyone that believes there are portals of evil in this world, the Cecil Hotel would certainly qualify as one.

But what I enjoyed the most about it is the modern phenomenon of internet sleuths. So many were all over this case from the start. Many were following the case in a logical manner.....but you certainly had the conspiracy nuts all over this. I’ll leave the wild conspiracies as a surprise for anyone that watches.

Even those in the logical quest to help find justice were all over the damn map. Even going as far as identifying possible suspects (the character Morbid, a black metal singer, was very interesting) and reaching out to those “suspects” and lambasting them to “admit what you did”.

Wont ruin it for anyone that wants to watch, but what actually went down wasn’t anywhere near as outlandish as all these internet detectives were deducing.

For was fantastic commentary on our current times and people’s need to dive into something that’s not their area of expertise. I’m sick of seeing it, and I laughed my ass off at how dumb they all came across.
no kidding, dumb fucking series if you ask me. just starting the 4th episode. everything is pretty much here's a pretty simple scenario, now let's here some wildly outlandish scenarios that make no fucking sense. alright, now that we've done that for 40 minutes, here's 5 seconds why all of that was clearly bull shit.
Ok....admitted. I finally sat down and watched The Last Dance this week. I resisted it last summer because I don’t go out of my way to give ESPN any credit or ratings. Caught it on Netflix this week.

Unreal how good and deep that was. These days I expect to have so much media on even basic regular season games....but I did not think someone was recording the team day in and out like this in the 90s.

I felt they were going to flat out ignore some aspects of MJs history....perhaps in agreement with him to get his participation. But, they really didn’t. They addressed things like the gambling and the asshole of a teammate he could be. In a time of narrative and misinformation it was good to see a story told pretty much straight up.

I still can’t say his time with the Birmingham minor league team was not some covert suspension for gambling....but I liked how they addressed his fathers death as what it always was, a tragedy and not a conspiracy.

I don’t like to give ESPN much of anything...but they still have some good documentary chops....the bastards.
Watched Don’t Fuck with Cats yesterday...mostly in the background while working...but I followed it.

It’s compelling and interesting enough. I went in looking for the “vigilante people on the Internet getting things all wrong”....and I cant totally say for sure that happened here. Online “crime solvers” annoy the shit out of me as they often get lost in group think and get off the point of being effective. Not sure I see that badly here.

One angle they do take that was interesting is the guilt some of them feel that they may have been part of pushing this narcissist farther along by giving him the attention he clearly was seeking. Understanding the cops weren’t taking things serious until it was too late for someone....I just subscribe to the notion that we should never heap attention on criminals that are seeking the attention. Impossible to do with bullshit media, but it would be ideal.

I will give it 8 out of 10 just for the outlandish nature of the murderer
All I Can Say

Wasn't a fan of the band but it is a phenomenal documentary due to all it captured and just the perfect capturing of that time period. Lead singer of Blind Melon bought a camera and started filming everything and captured the rise of his band up until the day he OD'd an died. Very gripping from start to finish. Released last summer.

This was good too:

I’ve finally come around and watched almost all of this. It seemed odd that it was going all over the place at first (2013, 2018, history back to the late 60’s) but then it just keeps going and ties a very compelling story together.

As a user I will say this....either tax me deeper so the legitimate small growers can survive, or allow them to/assist them with building a co-operative that can better control market prices. Otherwise we will end up with large corporations growing the product....and likely those corporations will be big pharma....and fuck them.

It’s a really good take how any commodity done so long in an outlaw form will attract the worst types when prices spike, and then those bad actors will ruin an area consolidating power when prices drop.
Docu-series with re-enactments that I have stated numerous times over the years because it is awesome... The Men Who Built America. There is also a new one on History channel called The Food That Built America, I have only seen one episode of that so far, but it was good too.
Docu-series with re-enactments that I have stated numerous times over the years because it is awesome... The Men Who Built America. There is also a new one on History channel called The Food That Built America, I have only seen one episode of that so far, but it was good too.
I’ve enjoyed the re-enactments of historical docuseries, but have wondered at times is they are grasping drama for drama sake, or to try to highlight the history on display.

Some balance it well, some very cheesy.
I’ve enjoyed the re-enactments of historical docuseries, but have wondered at times is they are grasping drama for drama sake, or to try to highlight the history on display.

Some balance it well, some very cheesy.
I have seriously watched the first season of The Men Who Built America like 2 or 3 times. It is fantastic.
I was looking for something to play in the background while working yesterday. I’m currently watching Beartown, but it’s Swedish and subtitled so needed something else.

I put The Pharmacist on just to have something on....and I didn’t get much work done after that.

This was an amazing watch. Super highly recommend it

Seen “The Pharmacist” on Netflix yet?

Good call here. I found this on Netflix today. Just a great story! You know a Russian named Tarzan would be just like this guy.

You know, maybe I should have told them I was a "special" Tarzan? :LOL:


I can't believe how easy it was to get my guy to look so much like him :laugh:
Watched Don’t Fuck with Cats yesterday...mostly in the background while working...but I followed it.

It’s compelling and interesting enough. I went in looking for the “vigilante people on the Internet getting things all wrong”....and I cant totally say for sure that happened here. Online “crime solvers” annoy the shit out of me as they often get lost in group think and get off the point of being effective. Not sure I see that badly here.

One angle they do take that was interesting is the guilt some of them feel that they may have been part of pushing this narcissist farther along by giving him the attention he clearly was seeking. Understanding the cops weren’t taking things serious until it was too late for someone....I just subscribe to the notion that we should never heap attention on criminals that are seeking the attention. Impossible to do with bullshit media, but it would be ideal.

I will give it 8 out of 10 just for the outlandish nature of the murderer

I really liked that series. Human behavior can be riveting.
I really liked that series. Human behavior can be riveting.
Dude was as intriguing as he was weird. No doubt.

I’ve really enjoyed the examples I’ve seen where the internet sleuths were just wrong. This didn’t turn out that way to me. They were on the pulse all along.
I watched Wild Wild Country the other night. I need to finish it up, but it was good.
For those that have HBO access....just watched a real good one The Mystery of DB Cooper. It was a really good update and telling of this mystery.

So intriguing to see multiple people convinced they know who Cooper was.
Making a Murderer on Netflix is a must watch.
Magic & Bird on HBO is great.
All the Last Chance Us are worth watching.
McMillions on HBO is pretty incredible.

I forget what it's called but the one on Netflix about the Mormon Bombings is crazy.