Good Documentaries?

Just watched Crime Scene: Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.

It was pretty well done. Good sourcing of people in it and good pacing on laying out the main part of it....the disappearance of Elisa Lam in 2013. Good back history on the Cecil Hotel, which is morbidly fascinating. For anyone that believes there are portals of evil in this world, the Cecil Hotel would certainly qualify as one.

But what I enjoyed the most about it is the modern phenomenon of internet sleuths. So many were all over this case from the start. Many were following the case in a logical manner.....but you certainly had the conspiracy nuts all over this. I’ll leave the wild conspiracies as a surprise for anyone that watches.

Even those in the logical quest to help find justice were all over the damn map. Even going as far as identifying possible suspects (the character Morbid, a black metal singer, was very interesting) and reaching out to those “suspects” and lambasting them to “admit what you did”.

Wont ruin it for anyone that wants to watch, but what actually went down wasn’t anywhere near as outlandish as all these internet detectives were deducing.

For was fantastic commentary on our current times and people’s need to dive into something that’s not their area of expertise. I’m sick of seeing it, and I laughed my ass off at how dumb they all came across.
The ending was disappointing for me as odd as that may seem. I realized pretty quickly in that I had heard about this unsolved mystery and I knew where they found her. This was apparently in between then and when they closed the case.
Have you seen the one I mentioned above about the Cecil Hotel?
Obviously Night Stalker was good but most people know about that one. The Staircase and The Jinx: Robert Durst were both very good a bit older ones.
Watched Don’t Fuck with Cats yesterday...mostly in the background while working...but I followed it.

It’s compelling and interesting enough. I went in looking for the “vigilante people on the Internet getting things all wrong”....and I cant totally say for sure that happened here. Online “crime solvers” annoy the shit out of me as they often get lost in group think and get off the point of being effective. Not sure I see that badly here.

One angle they do take that was interesting is the guilt some of them feel that they may have been part of pushing this narcissist farther along by giving him the attention he clearly was seeking. Understanding the cops weren’t taking things serious until it was too late for someone....I just subscribe to the notion that we should never heap attention on criminals that are seeking the attention. Impossible to do with bullshit media, but it would be ideal.

I will give it 8 out of 10 just for the outlandish nature of the murderer
I just watched this recently as well. I resisted for quite a while because of the whole animal torture part. The internet sleuths who created their own group really did some very good detective work. After it was over I thought back and wondered how much they really accomplished at the end of the day though. I feel like the killer could have probably had a successful career in something if he had set his heart in a different direction. He seemed both clever and very hardware. The part that I thought was really nuts was when he created that one profile, made some comment in their group page or whatever, and then the profile's only other activity every was liking a video of Baudi Moovin's place of employment even though she was very secretive.
I just watched this recently as well. I resisted for quite a while because of the whole animal torture part. The internet sleuths who created their own group really did some very good detective work. After it was over I thought back and wondered how much they really accomplished at the end of the day though. I feel like the killer could have probably had a successful career in something if he had set his heart in a different direction. He seemed both clever and very hardware. The part that I thought was really nuts was when he created that one profile, made some comment in their group page or whatever, and then the profile's only other activity every was liking a video of Baudi Moovin's place of employment even though she was very secretive.
That’s right. I forgot one aspect where I wondered just how much they had to do with goading him on. Many of the comments I saw were very emotional from them, not that it would be easy to not be emotional.

I guess I let that go so easily due to Baudi’s self reflective moment at the end, wondering her part in all of this happening. I think he was seeking attention and was going to do what he was going to do no matter, but it helped to see that self reflection that you don’t always see from an online justice mob.
That’s right. I forgot one aspect where I wondered just how much they had to do with goading him on. Many of the comments I saw were very emotional from them, not that it would be easy to not be emotional.

I guess I let that go so easily due to Baudi’s self reflective moment at the end, wondering her part in all of this happening. I think he was seeking attention and was going to do what he was going to do no matter, but it helped to see that self reflection that you don’t always see from an online justice mob.
I like how my autocorrect made the guy "very hardware."

It's hard to say the informed sleuths did any extra motivating. The mob group probably was enough to get him motivated to push it further. The more informed group maybe made him play more games though.
Began watching Trial by Media on Netflix today. Serial doc with many different stories. I’ve only watched two, but it’s very interesting to revisit old stories where the media was insane, and even impactful, to cases.

Seen “Trial By Media” on Netflix yet?

Bernie Goetz was particularly interesting. Without desire to make this thread overtly political, I found it eerie how many of the issues at play in this case are the very same things we struggle mightily with currently. This was nearly 40 years ago. None of its been figured out.
Killer Ratings on Netflix.

Story from Brazil of how a cop turned TV show host turned elected official was actually behind many of the killings and drug busts shown on his show. Pretty good stuff.


You'll thank me after you've watched this.

You'll thank me after you've watched this.
Oh yes. <checks schedule> ball game until tonight. This is going down today.
Oh yes. <checks schedule> ball game until tonight. This is going down today.
It actually sums up the last few years quite well with what people are willing to believe in the face of overwhelming facts/science.

There's also a 10% chance that Bojack was one of these people.....
It actually sums up the last few years quite well with what people are willing to believe in the face of overwhelming facts/science.

There's also a 10% chance that Bojack was one of these people.....
Stop’ve struck oil already.

I did try to watch a doc on Q the other week, but it just started coming across as supportive of them and not equal to both sides. But, this one was also summing up the last few years as well....and that was just sad.
Killer Ratings on Netflix.

Story from Brazil of how a cop turned TV show host turned elected official was actually behind many of the killings and drug busts shown on his show. Pretty good stuff.

I found this to be very interesting through a couple episodes but watching an entire true crime series in subtitles was too much for me.
Stop’ve struck oil already.

I did try to watch a doc on Q the other week, but it just started coming across as supportive of them and not equal to both sides. But, this one was also summing up the last few years as well....and that was just sad.
Into the Storm on HBO?

I thought it did a pretty solid job on trying to figure out who Q was.
Into the Storm on HBO?

I thought it did a pretty solid job on trying to figure out who Q was.
Yep. That’s it.

Ok....I was working in the garage and playing it in the background. I gave it about 30 mins and bailed. That’s not usual for me, but I just wasn’t feeling it.

Maybe i will go back and try it with no other distractions.

You'll thank me after you've watched this.
You were right. This was very interesting.

First.....I’ll say this with no shame....wacky ass Patricia Steere....wood.

I thought the most interesting part was at the end. It’s the Island of Misfit Toys. They are a lot of people who feel let down by society and found something to bond over. First, you have to be conspiratorially minded for this thing to go anywhere. Many that are of such mind feel let down by society.

I did enjoy the guys trying their laser experiment and saying “gee, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on the scientists that do experiments. This is hard”

Of course it was the same folks who got data, data didn’t confirm their theory, so they kept testing. That BAD science.
You were right. This was very interesting.

First.....I’ll say this with no shame....wacky ass Patricia Steere....wood.

I thought the most interesting part was at the end. It’s the Island of Misfit Toys. They are a lot of people who feel let down by society and found something to bond over. First, you have to be conspiratorially minded for this thing to go anywhere. Many that are of such mind feel let down by society.

I did enjoy the guys trying their laser experiment and saying “gee, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on the scientists that do experiments. This is hard”

Of course it was the same folks who got data, data didn’t confirm their theory, so they kept testing. That BAD science.
Any remotely attractive female with a pulse would clean up with this group.
We see that now with QAnon and Newsmax/OAN talking heads.

Your last point is dead on.
Even in the face of undeniable proof, they pivot away to find another way in a futile attempt to discount it.
That's what makes it so damn entertaining.

The Into The Storm doc is just like that.
They buy into the whole thing and are actually on camera ginning it up.
It really is worth the watch, as there are two guys that actually break with the cult and maybe that's what you were seeing.

It's like the Nxivm documentary when one of the main guys realizes this is all wrong and breaks from that cult.
Makes it very compelling when they realize they were duped.
Any remotely attractive female with a pulse would clean up with this group.
We see that now with QAnon and Newsmax/OAN talking heads.

Your last point is dead on.
Even in the face of undeniable proof, they pivot away to find another way in a futile attempt to discount it.
That's what makes it so damn entertaining.

The Into The Storm doc is just like that.
They buy into the whole thing and are actually on camera ginning it up.
It really is worth the watch, as there are two guys that actually break with the cult and maybe that's what you were seeing.

It's like the Nxivm documentary when one of the main guys realizes this is all wrong and breaks from that cult.
Makes it very compelling when they realize they were duped.
It’s all got that common thread. Those that embrace these things whole cloth have that same common thread. “I’m right, I’m right, I’m right. I’m struggling to prove it, but I’m right”.

And what was with the one guy speaking at a convention or meeting about how they basically just want a chance to be heard? That it’s just being dismissed by the science community that hurts the most. You’re dismissed because you have no sound data....and, by the way, you folks have been popping off on the whole scientific community for a while.

And now you just want to be liked....fuck outta here”.

Yeah, I’m more prepared to give the Q doc another go again.
It’s all got that common thread. Those that embrace these things whole cloth have that same common thread. “I’m right, I’m right, I’m right. I’m struggling to prove it, but I’m right”.

And what was with the one guy speaking at a convention or meeting about how they basically just want a chance to be heard? That it’s just being dismissed by the science community that hurts the most. You’re dismissed because you have no sound data....and, by the way, you folks have been popping off on the whole scientific community for a while.

And now you just want to be liked....fuck outta here”.

Yeah, I’m more prepared to give the Q doc another go again.
It's the same groupthink that the election was stolen.
@Orlando_Eagles youve gotta give that Q documentary another shot. It’s really interesting. I think it’s more about the websites owners than the Q movement