Show yer Pet's ugly mug...

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This is my old mutt Bella. Hurt her back, and got fat. Used to run like the damn wind. Just am not going to put the old girl through a spine surgery. Not sure she would make it. Just keeping comfortable for now with joint supplements and doggie aspirin.
Give her some doggy weed
I don't have any pets at this time so I'm feeling a bit left out. I do however have 3 grandpuppies and 1 grand kitten. I don't have any pictures of my daughter's cat, but I do have some of the dogs and I'm gonna show them to you because they are cool. Here we go;

The oldest and most chill right now is a Lab/Shepherd mix that was rescued from somewhere in Kentucky and goes by the name of Henry. He's closing in on 10 yrs old and is too cool for school.

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Once he cleared the first 3 years of being an absolute spaz he went from awesome to most awesome. This ^^^ is Henry chilling at his Villa in West Palm Beach.

Next up is the second grandpuppy and Henry's cousin Loki. Loki is a black lab/great dane mix and is a big lovable dope. He's also a rescue from somewhere in the south and the first 3 years were a thrill ride for sure. He's well behaved now and at 8 yrs old he's showing his age. Still a fucking stud though and seeing the look on the door dash guy's face when 120lb Loki greets him/her is always fun. Here's the goober.

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Last, but not least is the youngest pup in the Racer clan, my buddy and Henry's little brother, Apollo. He's a pure bred Doberman Pinscher purchased from a breeder in California. He is another big lovable goober that just happens to strike a pretty imposing figure. Meet Apollo

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Hahahaha, sorry couldn't help myself. I'll try again. Here he is at 3-4 months old;

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Henry looks like my brother's dog. He was a spaz, too. They had to put him on doggy Prozac cause he would just go nuts whenever they left. Not sure what all they tried before medicating, but nothing worked.
Judge much?
He's just upset because someone secretly took pictures of him enjoying himself at a wedding and now all his friends think he's soft
Henry looks like my brother's dog. He was a spaz, too. They had to put him on doggy Prozac cause he would just go nuts whenever they left. Not sure what all they tried before medicating, but nothing worked.
My daughter in law had to get something for the Doberman (Apollo) last year when they decided to drive up from FLA for my mother in law's funeral. She got a coupe of doses, 1 for ride up and one for the return trip and it really helped to keep him calm for the 22+ hour road trip. This is a picture of the boys in the back seat as the were leaving West Palm to head our way.

Got damn. I guess now all you fuckers see that @ill is the same level of poster as Gigi and they're both roughly on the same intelligence level
What ever happened to GNG, by the way? He banned or something?
You didn't respond when I highlight the apology. Is it because you were wrong?
No, I left my house and enjoyed my weekend and must have forgotten about it
