Show yer Pet's ugly mug...

It's nature versus society. Nature says to have kids when you are young and healthy. Society says don't have kids until your careers are set.

Neither is wrong, but Probably one of the coolest things I ever got to do was play flag football, with my son when he turned 18. I was 38, and still playing. That was my last season. Never could have done that if I had him when I was 25 to 30.
Similarly, I got to play volleyball with my son in a league. Agreed, very cool!
It's nature versus society. Nature says to have kids when you are young and healthy. Society says don't have kids until your careers are set.

Neither is wrong, but Probably one of the coolest things I ever got to do was play flag football, with my son when he turned 18. I was 38, and still playing. That was my last season. Never could have done that if I had him when I was 25 to 30.
My parents were 18 when I was born. 25 when my little brother was born. Empty nesters by 47. They mostly had their shit together by the time my little brother was born, but I think we all turned out better for the rough 5-6 years after I was born. People made bets about the marriage not lasting, they’re still married 30 years later, and I’m 30 and all of my grandparents are still alive and under 80.
My parents were 18 when I was born. 25 when my little brother was born. Empty nesters by 47. They mostly had their shit together by the time my little brother was born, but I think we all turned out better for the rough 5-6 years after I was born. People made bets about the marriage not lasting, they’re still married 30 years later, and I’m 30 and all of my grandparents are still alive and under 80.
Oh I know people were doubtful of my marriage too. It's been rocky at times, but we have always managed to work things out. Typically speaking though, it usually doesn't work out, so I can't blame them.
Nah, man, you did shit the right way. You had way more energy at 22 to chase a toddler around and run a full day off two hours of sleep than you would've had in your 40s.
Don’t regret having kids young. Being an empty nester at 50 is great.
Nope. My kid is allergic to cat saliva.

Sounds kinda like my Dad. We couldn't have dogs when I was a kid because my Dad was allergic. He couldn't just be allergic to the fur like a normal person so we could get a dog with real short fur that didn't shed.

Fucker had to be allergic to the oil from their skin or something. Pretty much eliminated every fucking dog on earth. lol
Sounds kinda like my Dad. We couldn't have dogs when I was a kid because my Dad was allergic. He couldn't just be allergic to the fur like a normal person so we could get a dog with real short fur that didn't shed.

Fucker had to be allergic to the oil from their skin or something. Pretty much eliminated every fucking dog on earth. lol
No one is really allergic to the fur it’s always the proteins in the skin, saliva or urine for the most part.
Sounds kinda like my Dad. We couldn't have dogs when I was a kid because my Dad was allergic. He couldn't just be allergic to the fur like a normal person so we could get a dog with real short fur that didn't shed.

Fucker had to be allergic to the oil from their skin or something. Pretty much eliminated every fucking dog on earth. lol
Ah, bummer! My dad never let us have dogs either but he wasn't allergic or anything. So we always had a cat. Sometimes people that like cats too much, they get ferrets! I hate those nasty smelly things! Guinea Pigs are cool though and they live a long time. I never had one though.
any updates you can share about the kids? School, career, etc
Oldest decided against med school she just didn’t want it. She is getting an IT degree now and will follow up with a masters in data analytics. Super intelligent, doing very well but a hot mess in other areas but she’ll grow out of it.

The youngest will be a junior at the Coast Guard Academy and just spent 9 weeks open ocean racing on the off shore sailing team. Had a great time, glad she did it, learned a ton and very happy to be off the boat. She is an ORCA major which is Operation Reasoning Computer Analysis. She is basically a math/programming major that is being trained to analyze problems, collect data and model solutions. Loves the Academy, hates the academy, loves her friends, pissed at her friends, but happy with her choice. She reports back in a week to be cadre for the in coming freshman boot camp. She’ll be icing kids day and night for 4 weeks.
Oldest decided against med school she just didn’t want it. She is getting an IT degree now and will follow up with a masters in data analytics. Super intelligent, doing very well but a hot mess in other areas but she’ll grow out of it.

The youngest will be a junior at the Coast Guard Academy and just spent 9 weeks open ocean racing on the off shore sailing team. Had a great time, glad she did it, learned a ton and very happy to be off the boat. She is an ORCA major which is Operation Reasoning Computer Analysis. She is basically a math/programming major that is being trained to analyze problems, collect data and model solutions. Loves the Academy, hates the academy, loves her friends, pissed at her friends, but happy with her choice. She reports back in a week to be cadre for the in coming freshman boot camp. She’ll be icing kids day and night for 4 weeks.

that all sounds great!! Glad to hear they are doing well!!
Posted in another thread the day I got her, forgot about this thread, but this is my new Cur puppy, Riley.

View attachment 52673
Looks like Riley could already use a bit of a nail trim. If he doesn't get much exercise on hard surfaces to trim them naturally, I recommend using a low-speed rotary grinding/filing tool to trim them over a clipper. I also recommend starting him on a grinder as a young puppy so he doesn't get freaked out by it later in life.
Looks like Riley could already use a bit of a nail trim. If he doesn't get much exercise on hard surfaces to trim them naturally, I recommend using a low-speed rotary grinding/filing tool to trim them over a clipper. I also recommend starting him on a grinder as a young puppy so he doesn't get freaked out by it later in life.
It’s a she, but I’m gonna let my buddy’s dog grooming GF take care of the nails when they come over this weekend. But I have squirrel and rabbit dog plans for Riley