Show yer Pet's ugly mug...

They named a website after me? Can I sue for royalties?
chewbacca GIF
For the record, this is the first ACD I've ever owned and it is by far the smartest and STRANGEST dog I've ever owned.
Prolly should get her some regular aspirin though.

Just a short part of the article.

If your dog is in pain, you might be wondering if you can do the same for them. The short answer is no.

While your vet may prescribe aspirin to help your dog when they’re in pain, you should not give them the same medication you have in your cabinet.

edit; in Peter's post
Just keeping comfortable for now with joint supplements and doggie aspirin.

Just a short part of the article.

If your dog is in pain, you might be wondering if you can do the same for them. The short answer is no.

While your vet may prescribe aspirin to help your dog when they’re in pain, you should not give them the same medication you have in your cabinet.

edit; in Peter's post
Just keeping comfortable for now with joint supplements and doggie aspirin.
Goddamn you! I was making a tasteless joke at Peter’s expense! Way to ruin my fun! :tsk: