tOfficial Amazon Thread

Where do you shop? Target?
wwe smile GIF
A lawsuit because people are stupid. I'm usually no fan of big corporations, but it is literally 3-4 clicks to end your membership.
So the FTC made it up?

a cumbersome "four-page, six-click, fifteen option" process, which the FTC said was known internally as "Iliad" in a nod to the Greek epic about the "long, arduous Trojan War".
I am just waiting for the subscription to go up yet again
Amazon is deceiving people.

"bUt tHe cOnVeNiEnCe!!!"

You can get cheap Chinese shit delivered in 11 mins by an illegal alien Amazon independent contractor and Amazon knows that's all that matters.
Amazon Drivers are the laziest motherfuckers on the planet. Just will casually park at the curb in the middle of rush hour on one of the cities' busiest streets because Big Bertha and Fat Albert are too lazy to walk that extra quarter of a block.

Bastards back up traffic for multiple blocks because everyone has to go around their idling vans.