tOfficial Amazon Thread

Amazon Drivers are the laziest motherfuckers on the planet. Just will casually park at the curb in the middle of rush hour on one of the cities' busiest streets because Big Bertha and Fat Albert are too lazy to walk that extra quarter of a block.

Bastards back up traffic for multiple blocks because everyone has to go around their idling vans.
Frankly, I don’t appreciate you talking about Somalian immigrants in this manner, ser!!!
Amazon literally code-named their Prime cancellation process “the Iliad” and we have posters telling us it’s quick and easy.

Ron Swanson Dancing GIF
Boo Hoo….Amazon is too convenient and that makes me feel poopy inside.
I can send Jeff a message in a bottle as I live upstream from him.....
Amazon Fresh went from $35 with free shipping to $150 with free shipping.

My Amazon Fresh is zero now.
Can anyone confirm that Amazon intends to charge Prime customers an additional $2.99/month to avoid commercials on Prime Video?