Paranormal UFOs


you’re gonna hurt yourself


Go Away Reaction GIF
They are seeing less of a need to conceal themselves, which is why the Navy and Defense Department are gradually disclosing their existence.

... or

they’re video aperture glitches on the digital motion locks ...
There are massive, virtually insurmountable problems to interstellar travel and the first one is the sheer distance between habitable planets. Even at the speed of light, which is impossible for anything but light without breaking the known laws of physics, it's virtually impossible.
Key words being "our known laws of physics". We don't know shit about the deepest parts of our own oceans so it's pretty foolish to pretend that we know what is going on in the interstellar world beyond our solar system.

We are not alone
busch beer no GIF by Busch
I just can't imagine looking into the sky at all the stars, knowing I'm looking at 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000th of them and thinking "ya, we are it". Some pretty compelling accounts to argue against. Cross the thin line that says aliens are working with the Government and you might want to invest in tin foil. To think the rapid advancements in the last 70 years haven't been influenced by some UFO re-engineering, not so much of a stretch.
Both options are equally astounding.

Do you remember your life before we landed on the moon, and despite the excitement of it all, the slight disappointment that the mystery was over?

I know the probability of ET is much much greater, but I’m gonna stay astounded in the idea that we are alone, until proven otherwise

... and a few lights in the sky or a seance here and there ain’t gonna do it
Do you remember your life before we landed on the moon, and despite the excitement of it all, the slight disappointment that the mystery was over?

I know the probability of ET is much much greater, but I’m gonna stay astounded in the idea that we are alone, until proven otherwise

... and a few lights in the sky or a seance here and there ain’t gonna do it

Yeah, I remember the landing. The major disappointment is we stopped there. And yeah, probability and proof are two different thing. Besides, the BEM is in my head.
Do you remember your life before we landed on the moon, and despite the excitement of it all, the slight disappointment that the mystery was over?

I know the probability of ET is much much greater, but I’m gonna stay astounded in the idea that we are alone, until proven otherwise

... and a few lights in the sky or a seance here and there ain’t gonna do it

You're losing me, man. I'm not really interested.

But thank you anyway.

Go easy Hammer.

Dissenting voices need to be heard. All he wants is tangible evidence. Many of us believe that eyewitness testimony from impeccable sources and unretouched photos/videos are enough. Some people need more. It won't be resolved until Govt produces the alien corpses from Roswell and other crashes
Go easy Hammer.

Dissenting voices need to be heard. All he wants is tangible evidence. Many of us believe that eyewitness testimony from impeccable sources and unretouched photos/videos are enough. Some people need more. It won't be resolved until Govt produces the alien corpses from Roswell and other crashes
This has gone sideways.

So you guys think I'm convinced of what?

The only thing I'm saying is that I think a guy named Bob Lazar is telling the truth about working at Groom Lake in 1989.
Alright, I've let this go long enough and am now willing to answer your questions.

Hammer - long distance space travel happens by tearing time with a huge but condensed release of energy. You can go anywhere in seconds. Matter can appear/disappear anywhere. Just watch the "Nothing" vid in another thread in this forum.

Lazar was at S4, but there's not much there except some pretty cool but explainable Darpa work. They had a mercury vortex anti-gravity engine there from the old Nazi design, but it was stupid.

And yes, the ancient Sumerian history is fairly accurate and the beliefs the Dogon took from Egypt about Sirius B warrants more attention.
Alright, I've let this go long enough and am now willing to answer your questions.

Hammer - long distance space travel happens by tearing time with a huge but condensed release of energy. You can go anywhere in seconds. Matter can appear/disappear anywhere. Just watch the "Nothing" vid in another thread in this forum.

Lazar was at S4, but there's not much there except some pretty cool but explainable Darpa work. They had a mercury vortex anti-gravity engine there from the old Nazi design, but it was stupid.

And yes, the ancient Sumerian history is fairly accurate and the beliefs the Dogon took from Egypt about Sirius B warrants more attention.
Will tMasons kick you out for talking about this publicly?
I'm not saying in some galaxy Far Far away there isn't living creatures but I do have two questions

1. Why hasn't one of these UFO's ever crashed in NY, LA, or SF. Why do they crash where only Farmer Joe and his wife Mable can witness it.

2. If there were really aliens captured, don't you think one person who has seen them would have taken a picture and published it?
1. Why hasn't one of these UFO's ever crashed in NY, LA, or SF. Why do they crash where only Farmer Joe and his wife Mable can witness it.

2. If there were really aliens captured, don't you think one person who has seen them would have taken a picture and published it?
A vast majority of the Earth's surface is barren. 10% of the surface that isn't water, is Siberia. Think about that. 10% of the above sea level surface of Earth.

No, the people who would have the opportunity to see such things, are the same people who are genuinely aware of the consequences.
I would recommend yall read 'Childhood's End' by Arthur C. Clarke

...if anyone was from another planet, it was probably him.

Nobody with direct knowledge of alien technology, if it exists, would leak or be allowed to leak. Our government...err, portions of our government that may or may not be on "the books", is way more nefarious than anyone would want to know.

I'm a decent judge of character and have studied 'body language' to some degree. Bob Lazar is a nothing more than a lackey who craves attention for whatever reason. My bet is an existential crisis of some kind.