Alec Baldwin killed crew member Halyna Hutchins on set of Rust

Did it go through one person and hit the other, or was it a shotgun? Sounds like it wasn’t a prop to me.
Every generation we seem to get one of these at least. It always comes down to lax handling and security procedures.

So here we are again. The recently averted strike does offer an interesting possible angle. No, not a conspiracy, just crew that have been so fed up they were about to strike….and maybe not doing their due diligence to the fullest.

I’m perplexed why it hit behind camera crew, and more than one, but reserving on that until we know more.
Every generation we seem to get one of these at least. It always comes down to lax handling and security procedures.

So here we are again. The recently averted strike does offer an interesting possible angle. No, not a conspiracy, just crew that have been so fed up they were about to strike….and maybe not doing their due diligence to the fullest.

I’m perplexed why it hit behind camera crew, and more than one, but reserving on that until we know more.
it is definitely a tragic moment, which is how most accidents are categorized.

but it is weird that some folks here are asking if it was on purpose...
He's anti-2nd. can't get more anti-gun than that. Alec is far left, not really in question that he is against guns.

I’ll agree that he isn’t a friend of gun rights obviously.

But, here’s another example of how wonderful limited word count tweets are for the world. Like the 2A this could be interpreted more than one way.

IMO he wasn’t saying the 2A needs to be re-written or scrapped, but that the 2A shouldn’t limit reasonable gun control measures.

I’m not making a stance on gun control. I’m making a point that we just keep assigning perspective from limited word tweets. It’s nonsense.
let's not pretend to be movie set experts here...none of us are.
I am doing no such thing. I am however very experienced with industrial safety and firearms as well. Do you think it makes sense to pull the trigger on a firearm in rehearsal? Let me clue you in on a simple safety principle, the less amount of dangerous actions you take, the less accidents will occur. If the actor or production company needs a feel for the weapon, they were on a ranch and could have easily gotten that feel on a range. For rehearsal they should have used a toy gun.
it is definitely a tragic moment, which is how most accidents are categorized.

but it is weird that some folks here are asking if it was on purpose...
How is that weird anymore? The world is one giant conspiracy theory.

Everyone antes up a theory based on their own proclivities. Then when the truth is laid out someone gets baked for their slanted theory being proven wrong.

It’s a much more sane world for me to just sit back and let the truth unfold. Then we can debate if that’s really the truth that makes sense.

Until then….social media loves an information vacuum.
I am doing no such thing. I am however very experienced with industrial safety and firearms as well. Do you think it makes sense to pull the trigger on a firearm in rehearsal? Let me clue you in on a simple safety principle, the less amount of dangerous actions you take, the less accidents will occur. If the actor or production company needs a feel for the weapon, they were on a ranch and could have easily gotten that feel on a range. For rehearsal they should have used a toy gun.
not what I am saying

I am saying that you have no idea what was going on on set when this happened or why he had the live fake gun in his hands.

if what happened is a 1 in a million kind of thing to ever happen, then is it still ok?
I am doing no such thing. I am however very experienced with industrial safety and firearms as well. Do you think it makes sense to pull the trigger on a firearm in rehearsal? Let me clue you in on a simple safety principle, the less amount of dangerous actions you take, the less accidents will occur. If the actor or production company needs a feel for the weapon, they were on a ranch and could have easily gotten that feel on a range. For rehearsal they should have used a toy gun.
This! That much can be easily debatable at this point. Pulling the trigger…I don’t know. There would be no reason. Perhaps it could have just went off. Not super likely, but possible.

Your point is solid. Why have to have a checkpoint of making sure the weapon is safed for rehearsal when you could use literally anything else in the rehearsal as the weapon.

he plays serious characters pretty in The Departed of the Mission Impossible movies.
Because Baldwin has taken certain political stances that make him totally unwatchable to some.

he plays serious characters pretty in The Departed of the Mission Impossible movies.
I wouldn’t be able to take it seriously. He doesn’t have that Clint Eastwood charisma.
Because Baldwin has taken certain political stances that make him totally unwatchable to some.
It’s like when I saw Jed Clampett in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I’d be thinking of 30 Rock the entire time he’s on screen
it is definitely a tragic moment, which is how most accidents are categorized.

but it is weird that some folks here are asking if it was on purpose...

Not weird, Alec is a hot head nutcase.
It’s like when I saw Jed Clampett in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I’d be thinking of 30 Rock the entire time he’s on screen
do you have trouble understanding how acting works?

or you just think everyone should be typecast based on what they are known for?
Because Baldwin has taken certain political stances that make him totally unwatchable to some.
I think it’s more that he’s the prototypical New Yorker. Spent his life in the back seat of a car. Hard to imagine him in the saddle.
I think it’s more that he’s the prototypical New Yorker. Spent his life in the back seat of a car. Hard to imagine him in the saddle.
again, this is called acting...who cares what they are like IRL?

I don't see Christian Bale as a serial killer, but he plays a pretty good one...