Alec Baldwin killed crew member Halyna Hutchins on set of Rust

not what I am saying

I am saying that you have no idea what was going on on set when this happened or why he had the live fake gun in his hands.
I agree that I have no idea why he had a live, loaded gun in his hands. I am also clear that thee was no reason for the loaded firearm to be in his hands for rehearsal. Let's be clear, a prop gun is a functional firearm and should be treated as such at all times. Taking unnecessary chances with a firearm can lead to death.
if what happened is a 1 in a million kind of thing to ever happen, then is it still ok?
Sounds like you are the only one claiming that it was okay and everyone was acting appropriately.
again, this is called acting...who cares what they are like IRL?

I don't see Christian Bale as a serial killer, but he plays a pretty good one...
You would be ok with Larry the Cable Guy playing a neurosurgeon in a serious drama? After all, his Larry schtick is all an act.
I agree that I have no idea why he had a live, loaded gun in his hands. I am also clear that thee was no reason for the loaded firearm to be in his hands for rehearsal. Let's be clear, a prop gun is a functional firearm and should be treated as such at all times. Taking unnecessary chances with a firearm can lead to death.

Sounds like you are the only one claiming that it was okay and everyone was acting appropriately.
is a prop gun with a blank still considered a "live, loaded gun"?

I guess it still has a firing pin and can shoot live bullets, right?
You would be ok with Larry the Cable Guy playing a neurosurgeon in a serious drama? After all, his Larry schtick is all an act.
Larry the Cable Guy has never been a serious actor.

going into 30 Rock, would you have pegged Baldwin as a comedic actor?
This! That much can be easily debatable at this point. Pulling the trigger…I don’t know. There would be no reason. Perhaps it could have just went off. Not super likely, but possible.

Your point is solid. Why have to have a checkpoint of making sure the weapon is safed for rehearsal when you could use literally anything else in the rehearsal as the weapon.
Or it would be just as easy to use that same gun without loading it. I would take the actor five seconds to make sure it was unloaded, another five seconds for the prop guy to do the same, another five seconds for the director to verify. This is basic handgun safety.
do you have trouble understanding how acting works?

or you just think everyone should be typecast based on what they are known for?
I’m not a big movie guy, but I’m gonna think of them as the character I know them best. I can’t watch Bob’s Burgers without thinking of Home Movies and Archer
Again, the 2nd says one's legal for citizens to be armed. Saying you want to rethink that means you want to rethink one thing.
You're pretty bored this morning, huh Ford?
Larry the Cable Guy has never been a serious actor.

going into 30 Rock, would you have pegged Baldwin as a comedic actor?
By the way….did you just typecast Larry the Cable Guy?

Shame, shame.
is a prop gun with a blank still considered a "live, loaded gun"?

I guess it still has a firing pin and can shoot live bullets, right?
Yes it is a functional firearm capable of firing live rounds, else we would not be discussing this accident.
I’m not a big movie guy, but I’m gonna think of them as the character I know them best. I can’t watch Bob’s Burgers without thinking of Home Movies and Archer
that's a cartoon and a voice...
By the way….did you just typecast Larry the Cable Guy?

Shame, shame.

unless you want me to say I think he should only play tow trucks for the rest of his life.
Yes it is a functional firearm capable of firing live rounds, else we would not be discussing this accident.
and movie sets have very strict protocols on when they have one on set.

we don't know if they were using that protocol at this point, so no point making assumptions
and movie sets have very strict protocols on when they have one on set.

we don't know if they were using that protocol at this point, so no point making assumptions
Should we blame the producer?

That's also Alec Baldwin.

unless you want me to say I think he should only play tow trucks for the rest of his life.
You just said you don’t think he could be considered a serious actor. Sounds like you’re saying he can only do what he’s done before.
going into 30 Rock, would you have pegged Baldwin as a comedic actor?
For those of us old enough to remember, he started out in mostly dramas. Red October, anyone?
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