Last movie you watched and rating (1-10)

I haven’t seen this, and likely won’t (not an attack of you or the movie).

But Sandler movies are soooo unique. They feel like amateur films made by high schoolers are collage kids with just their neighborhood friends or dorm mates as the actors, except with Hollywood budgets. Sandler casts his friends and family members and then just goofs around with the camera running. And then has himself singing with his kids during the closing credits.

Not what I call “quality”, but I absolutely LOVE that he is doing it. He has surpassed “fuck you money” and entered into a “fuck you career”. He doesn’t do a damned thing he doesn’t want to do. And it is all about spending time with his family and friends.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.
I am not a Sandler fan at all. In fact, the only movies of his I like are the ones with Barrimore.
But this movie pretty much has no Sandler. It’s a good teen movie.
I am not a Sandler fan at all. In fact, the only movies of his I like are the ones with Barrimore.
But this movie pretty much has no Sandler. It’s a good teen movie.
Do you have a top 5 teen movie list?
Do you have a top 5 teen movie list?
It always starts with Weird Science.

But there are too many:
All the 80s Hughes films.
…and there’s been a ton lately they’re pretty good.
8th Grade
It always starts with Weird Science.

But there are too many:
All the 80s Hughes films.
…and there’s been a ton lately they’re pretty good.
8th Grade
So are you watching these current teen movies with teens or solo?
I am not a Sandler fan at all. In fact, the only movies of his I like are the ones with Barrimore.
But this movie pretty much has no Sandler. It’s a good teen movie.

I liked 50 First Dates.

And I liked Click. Kate and Walken.
So are you watching these current teen movies with teens or solo?
“The half of It” is also good.
No, I don’t keep a bunch of teens around to watch movies with, creeper.
Dead Poets Society
It's overrated. A bunch of fluff. Watch it critically and you'll see that while the acting and cinematography is top-notch, the key scenes are weak. There's no real substance as to why these boys would have instantly attached fierce loyalty to Keating. The Society does nothing whatsoever inspiring or substantial. And the final scene with Keating's weak-ass "thank you. thank you, boys" was weak. :thumbsdown:
Dead Poets Society
It's overrated. A bunch of fluff. Watch it critically and you'll see that while the acting and cinematography is top-notch, the key scenes are weak. There's no real substance as to why these boys would have instantly attached fierce loyalty to Keating. The Society does nothing whatsoever inspiring or substantial. And the final scene with Keating's weak-ass "thank you. thank you, boys" was weak. :thumbsdown:

It's been years since i have seen Dead Poets Society and I came away from it saying it had it's moments but overall it underachieved. Todays movies are sucking so much, this would probably be a good re-watch.

His movies didn't do it for me. About the only Robin Williams movie I really liked was Birdcage. His stand up was great though.
I haven’t watched that movie in ages. I am not surprised it doesn’t really hold up, though. That was at the very beginning of Williams’ dramatic turn (I think this was right after Aladdin?) so I think it may have been kinda a vehicular to profile Williams’ big spotlight. Placing Mork in a classroom as the inspiring professor/teacher was shocking at the time. Story depth wasn’t really required.
Saving Private Ryan........AAA+

Thats is thee best war movie I have ever seen......
It has it all:
Great picture
Well known actors
Great story
Plenty of graphic violence
And plenty of action(two of the best things I like out of movie)

Its a must see for probably the very few of us who has never seen it.
Even tho its a little lengthy,its so good that it keeps your mind off of that.
Saving Private Ryan........AAA+

Thats is thee best war movie I have ever seen......
It has it all:
Great picture
Well known actors
Great story
Plenty of graphic violence
And plenty of action(two of the best things I like out of movie)

Its a must see for probably the very few of us who has never seen it.
Even tho its a little lengthy,its so good that it keeps your mind off of that.
Absolutely positively in the discussion for best movie ever made. Different opinions can be held about the actual best movie, but if this one is not on the board for discussion, than the discussion is invalid.
Absolutely positively in the discussion for best movie ever made. Different opinions can be held about the actual best movie, but if this one is not on the board for discussion, than the discussion is invalid.

Can believe thats a 1998 movie and its taken me this long to watch it......

The movie is also has to be discussed ax best ever.....youre absolutley right.
Can believe thats a 1998 movie and its taken me this long to watch it......

The movie is also has to be discussed ax best ever.....youre absolutley right.
It obviously isn’t as good as Shakespeare in Love, but it is pretty solid.
Dead Poets Society
It's overrated. A bunch of fluff. Watch it critically and you'll see that while the acting and cinematography is top-notch, the key scenes are weak. There's no real substance as to why these boys would have instantly attached fierce loyalty to Keating. The Society does nothing whatsoever inspiring or substantial. And the final scene with Keating's weak-ass "thank you. thank you, boys" was weak. :thumbsdown:
Overrated and you still gave it a 7? It has been a long time since I watched it but it still a top 3 Robin Williams movie. #1 without a doubt is Good Will Hunting.
Overrated and you still gave it a 7? It has been a long time since I watched it but it still a top 3 Robin Williams movie. #1 without a doubt is Good Will Hunting.
Yeah, I loved the acting and also how well they did at setting the scene. That was perfection. It all felt very, very real, just like being at a prep school in New England in that era. The kids, the teachers, the parents, the costumes, sets, 100% natural and authentic.
Gran Turismo

It had some cool elements, but it was jam-packed with dated cliches. I'm a HUGE Gran Turismo game fan, and there were some Easter eggs that only fans of the game would understand.

I give it a 7.5/10. I can see how people who never played the game would give it a lower score.
Absolutely positively in the discussion for best movie ever made. Different opinions can be held about the actual best movie, but if this one is not on the board for discussion, than the discussion is invalid.

After I watch the landing scene, I think all the gods that I never had to be a soldier.
Saving Private Ryan........AAA+

Thats is thee best war movie I have ever seen......
It has it all:
Great picture
Well known actors
Great story
Plenty of graphic violence
And plenty of action(two of the best things I like out of movie)

Its a must see for probably the very few of us who has never seen it.
Even tho its a little lengthy,its so good that it keeps your mind off of that.

You may want to check out band of brothers which is a one season series on netflix. It's a real life accounting of what some guys went through in WWII that were assigned to the 101st airborne and covers the same ground and time period as Saving Private Ryan. It's not near as bloody but still very well done.