Michigan’s Sherone Moore to be named head coach

I'm going to like your comment and also wish you the very best because having to go to Disney is punishment enough. Even you don't deserve the hell that awaits you.
We've done Disney twice and I'd rather have Dick Rod back as HC at tUM than deal with that place again. Happiest place on earth MY ASS. Over priced, over crowded and you spend the majority of time standing in line. Never again.
You have to do Disney "right" and then you enjoy it. 10 days, spread it out a bit so you don't feel obligated to try and see everything at a park in 1 day. You have to stay at the Beech Club or Boardwalk so you can walk right into the back of Epcot from your resort, and take the little gondola to Hollywood Studios. You can use the Disney genie to book rides so you spend a few hours in the morning at one park, ride some things without waiting in line too much, eat some things, drink some things and then head back to the hotel pool. Then go back after a nap/swimming in the evening for dinner somewhere or more reserved rides with the Genie+. We're also spending a couple days at the waterpark, and you can book one of the reserved cabanas for like $300 and it comes with a waiter.

If you stay at one of the basic resorts (or outside the park) have to wait in queues just to get on busses to get to the parks, try to cram everything into a few days at Disney....yeah, you're going to hate your life. About 12pm on any of those days, you'll find me in my Michigan National Championship hat, sitting by the resort pool while watching the kids ride the giant waterslide 100 times.

But yeah, it's expensive. What isn't these days though? But I'm telling you, being able to casually drink "around the world" in epcot, ride a few rides and quickly walk back to your resort is fantastic.
You have to do Disney "right" and then you enjoy it. 10 days, spread it out a bit so you don't feel obligated to try and see everything at a park in 1 day. You have to stay at the Beech Club or Boardwalk so you can walk right into the back of Epcot from your resort, and take the little gondola to Hollywood Studios. You can use the Disney genie to book rides so you spend a few hours in the morning at one park, ride some things without waiting in line too much, eat some things, drink some things and then head back to the hotel pool. Then go back after a nap/swimming in the evening for dinner somewhere or more reserved rides with the Genie+. We're also spending a couple days at the waterpark, and you can book one of the reserved cabanas for like $300 and it comes with a waiter.

If you stay at one of the basic resorts (or outside the park) have to wait in queues just to get on busses to get to the parks, try to cram everything into a few days at Disney....yeah, you're going to hate your life. About 12pm on any of those days, you'll find me in my Michigan National Championship hat, sitting by the resort pool while watching the kids ride the giant waterslide 100 times.

But yeah, it's expensive. What isn't these days though? But I'm telling you, being able to casually drink "around the world" in epcot, ride a few rides and quickly walk back to your resort is fantastic.
Have fun man. Resort drinking is great but I'd be punting someone's kid after probably an hour of that mess.
Have fun man. Resort drinking is great but I'd be punting someone's kid after probably an hour of that mess.
The trick is to leave the parks before they get insane. Nothing quite like riding slow paced Disney rides buzzed on multiple random drinks.

You have to do Disney "right" and then you enjoy it. 10 days, spread it out a bit so you don't feel obligated to try and see everything at a park in 1 day. You have to stay at the Beech Club or Boardwalk so you can walk right into the back of Epcot from your resort, and take the little gondola to Hollywood Studios. You can use the Disney genie to book rides so you spend a few hours in the morning at one park, ride some things without waiting in line too much, eat some things, drink some things and then head back to the hotel pool. Then go back after a nap/swimming in the evening for dinner somewhere or more reserved rides with the Genie+. We're also spending a couple days at the waterpark, and you can book one of the reserved cabanas for like $300 and it comes with a waiter.

If you stay at one of the basic resorts (or outside the park) have to wait in queues just to get on busses to get to the parks, try to cram everything into a few days at Disney....yeah, you're going to hate your life. About 12pm on any of those days, you'll find me in my Michigan National Championship hat, sitting by the resort pool while watching the kids ride the giant waterslide 100 times.

But yeah, it's expensive. What isn't these days though? But I'm telling you, being able to casually drink "around the world" in epcot, ride a few rides and quickly walk back to your resort is fantastic.
There is no right way to do Disney. If I'm going to a resort -- I'm going out of the country. You could go on 2 or 3 all inclusive resort vacations out of the country for what it will cost to go to Disney for a year.
There is no right way to do Disney. If I'm going to a resort -- I'm going out of the country. You could go on 2 or 3 all inclusive resort vacations out of the country for what it will cost to go to Disney for a year.
Yeah, I think our all inclusive Mexican vacation last year was about 1/2 the cost of our Disney vacation this year. Different experiences. I do love a good all inclusive resort but I like going every few years and rotating around what vacations we do. When the kids are a bit older, I want to go to Italy/Greece or something like that. But they're in prime Disney age right now.
The trick is to leave the parks before they get insane. Nothing quite like riding slow paced Disney rides buzzed on multiple random drinks.

I think the trick is to not go to the parks and instead go to a different resort, while leaving the kids at home with their grandparents.

I do approve of the gif though.
There is no right way to do Disney. If I'm going to a resort -- I'm going out of the country. You could go on 2 or 3 all inclusive resort vacations out of the country for what it will cost to go to Disney for a year.
The only way to do Disney right is what I did as a senior in high school - Disney Grad Night. 5 buses leave our high school in West Palm around 6 pm. The first stop was the liquor store .... the drinking age was 18 at the time,... 3 hour drive to Disney. Park closes to everyone except graduating seniors at 10pm. All ours until 6am. What could possibly go wrong? What a blast.
The worst part about Disney is definitely the crowds. ESPECIALLY the people with kids who don't know how to control their kids.

Some fucking little kid bit me on the leg while we were standing in a line one of the last times we were there and their parent just shrugged their shoulders like "what am I supposed to do?".......control your damn kid.
The only way to do Disney right is what I did as a senior in high school - Disney Grad Night. 5 buses leave our high school in West Palm around 6 pm. The first stop was the liquor store .... the drinking age was 18 at the time,... 3 hour drive to Disney. Park closes to everyone except graduating seniors at 10pm. All ours until 6am. What could possibly go wrong? What a blast.
I'd be all in for that. Going with little kids is a train wreck and you end up spending 1,000's of non sense. Pins, pretzels, bubble blowing guns, $50 t-shirts, $30 for a balloon
The worst part about Disney is definitely the crowds. ESPECIALLY the people with kids who don't know how to control their kids.

Some fucking little kid bit me on the leg while we were standing in a line one of the last times we were there and their parent just shrugged their shoulders like "what am I supposed to do?".......control your damn kid.
I hope you bit the kid back
I'd be all in for that. Going with little kids is a train wreck and you end up spending 1,000's of non sense. Pins, pretzels, bubble blowing guns, $50 t-shirts, $30 for a balloon
You had a weird Disney experience. You know, you don't have to buy those things...right? Also, you have to take grandparents so THEY buy those things lol.
You had a weird Disney experience. You know, you don't have to buy those things...right? Also, you have to take grandparents so THEY buy those things lol.
And . . . THIS is why I have never gone to Disney with my grandkids.
You can’t go 20 feet in that place without kids screaming about something they want. Money gauntlet
That ends pretty quickly after the first couple days, since a lot of the stuff is similar around the parks. 1 bubble machine buys you like 9 days of non-bubble machine madness.
You had a weird Disney experience. You know, you don't have to buy those things...right? Also, you have to take grandparents so THEY buy those things lol.
So you go to Disney and THEN you decide to be cheap? That's like taking a kid to a candy store and then saying sorry you can't have anything.

The place has food, drink, toys, pins, vendors at every corner, ice cream, the list goes on and on and you say, you don't have to buy those things? Go to Six Flags, Cedar Pointe, King's Island then and pay 1/100th the price to ride a few roller coasters.
So you go to Disney and THEN you decide to be cheap? That's like taking a kid to a candy store and then saying sorry you can't have anything.

The place has food, drink, toys, pins, vendors at every corner, ice cream, the list goes on and on and you say, you don't have to buy those things? Go to Six Flags, Cedar Pointe, King's Island then and pay 1/100th the price to ride a few roller coasters.
You can be restrictive on trinkets without being cheap. I think one of the things that actually makes Disney different, and what is worth the expense, is the variety of food and experiences. If you want a hot dog and to ride a roller coaster, sure -- go to Cedar Point in June.
The only way to do Disney right is what I did as a senior in high school - Disney Grad Night. 5 buses leave our high school in West Palm around 6 pm. The first stop was the liquor store .... the drinking age was 18 at the time,... 3 hour drive to Disney. Park closes to everyone except graduating seniors at 10pm. All ours until 6am. What could possibly go wrong? What a blast.

My high school did grad night for the senior trip every year. Except for our class, they didn't let us go bc they said we were a liability.

Does the park still do that?
You can be restrictive on trinkets without being cheap. I think one of the things that actually makes Disney different, and what is worth the expense, is the variety of food and experiences. If you want a hot dog and to ride a roller coaster, sure -- go to Cedar Point in June.
The food at Disney is priced as if it is a michelin star restaurant. A pretzel w/cheese and water is $18.

My wife got me to agree to go twice, but only because we had a time share where we got an 2,000 square foot room for free. I cringe every time I walk into one of their parks.