More Michigan Cheating

Sign stealing is legal. Whether you stole those signs having a person scout a team in person or stole those signs via the plethora of recorded video teams are given is semantics at best.

Murdering someone vs. dying from a heart attack very much isn't semantics.
The bold is wrong, depending on how you steal them.
Who shows what they are going to do, the game before a big game anyway.

Premise Fail
You gotta remember who you’re talking to. He thinks because sign stealing is legal all means of obtaining them should be legal as well. But that’s not how it works in the real world.
Yup, which is why I tried to show him the err of his ways with an analogy and he totally missed it.

Something can be completely legal if done one way, and illegal if done another. Driving your car is legal, driving it on a sidewalk is not. It's not a hard concept unless you are an ass-hurt homer
Who shows what they are going to do, the game before a big game anyway.

Premise Fail
They were scouting teams not even on their schedule but that they might face in the playoffs. So "game before a big game" doesn't work. For all we know they were scouting OU and videotaping everything.
Yup, which is why I tried to show him the err of his ways with an analogy and he totally missed it.

Something can be completely legal if done one way, and illegal if done another. Driving your car is legal, driving it on a sidewalk is not. It's not a hard concept unless you are an ass-hurt homer

Lol yea driving is legal so drunk driving should be legal too! Would love to see that defense I’m court
They were scouting teams not even on their schedule but that they might face in the playoffs. So "game before a big game" doesn't work. For all we know they were scouting OU and videotaping everything.

Explains how TCU got them. They woulda never expected them to be in the playoff so no major “scouting” of them
I also love the butt hurt OSU fans applying accusations this year to their ass kickings in the past two.
Please keep giving more excuses. Its my favorite.
What excuse is needed? It is no different than baseball. If you aren't trying to steal the signs of the other team, you aren't doing it right.

I would love to read about the vast network of people who hit the road to scout perennial powers UNLV, East Carolina, Rutgers, Nebraska, Bowling Green, Minnesota.

I'm confident -- this was reported to the NCAA by Ohio State. They are still upset they haven't beat UM on the football field since 2019, so they are coming up with excuses why.
Look at all those excuses in your reply. This is great.
For all we know they were scouting OU and videotaping everything.

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So much for that Michigan is all about honor and integrity crap
I couldn't care less about "honor and integrity" -- I just want to win. I hope the administration office follows suit and gets the stick out of their ass. I want every kid on our team who doesn't come to college to play school.
I think you’re all missing a big element here. You think this isn’t actually an advantage but a punishment? “Look, you didn’t do X during the game so we’re going to send you to Iowa to watch their offense”
Lol yea driving is legal so drunk driving should be legal too! Would love to see that defense I’m court
Those aren’t the same thing. Scouting plays in person and on tape are functionally no different.
Sign stealing by analyzing video of the signs during a game - legal
Sign stealing by analyzing signs during a game in person - illegal

lol at the NCAA once again.
It's not the sign stealing that's the issue here. It's having people on staff going to the games that are on your schedule and scouting, videoing, and other ways to take advantage and get an edge. I'm not at all surprised that you find nothing wrong about this. It's win at all costs for you. Vegas is even taking scUM games off the books. This will probably be the last straw for Harbaugh at scUM imo.
I am not certain I understand any of this. Philosophically (in my humble opinion) stealing electronic communications or interfering with electronic communications is wrong. Stealing non electronic communications is nothing more than paying attention. Stealing play books or having a spy player on another team is wrong. What did Michigan do?