Netflix in trouble

perhaps part of it is a lot of us have been working from home, so there's not that watercooler talk as much anymore.
You’re damn right about that. Two years ago I wouldn’t say I picked up much on what to watch from chats at work….but I see now I did.
Netflix’s biggest issue is they don’t own a studio and they don’t have film library. That makes then vulnerable and totally dependent on original content which everyone one is chasing.

New releases are always going to go to the home streaming platform so Netflix is basically not getting anymore major new releases. There was time where Netflix was the place to see all the Marvel and Star Wars stuff but obviously that is Disney now.

HBO has Warner Brothers and Prime just bought MGM.

There is nothing on Netflix that can’t be duplicate elsewhere and it’s arguable that HULU is doing a better job (note HULU is owned by Disney so they get most Disney and Sony releases more timely) overall.

Paramount has Star Trek and Yellowstone projects.

There literally isn’t anything on Netflix that couldn’t find another home tomorrow if they wanted to. I just see their future as being very short term.

On another note I don’t see how Apple survives at all except for being subsidized by tech sales. It’s the worst of the bunch.
I thought the first two seasons were great. I made the mistake of watching season 2 first, which worked out on the timeline.

I had to give this some thought and you are right. I did watch and like season 2. I had forgotten that season 2 was the backdrop. It was season three and they had to replace the lead that things went to shit. I think the writing failed at that point. But yeah...the death of the guy that played the lead character is an issue.
For real. I started going back and forth with Netflix after they cancelled Santa Clarita diet after a cliffhanger and then they refused to make mind hunter a priority.

It was easier for them to get away with not caring before HBO Max and other network streaming options starting pulling some of their biggest draws.
Anytime a show gets ended on a cliffhanger someone should have their balls cut off. Was really liking The Glades series and the star gets shot on his wedding day and bam, no next season. Same way with The Red Road.
For real though, what’s all the “woke” programming everyone’s bitching about? And what are you guys watching on there that’s getting their algorithm to feed it to you?

I know myself it has nothing to do with algorithms. I guess ... Ha! for coming in with wit...sort of. It has to do with nobody had shit to do during the pandemic and I've seen everything I like so many times ..,. so you I try out new titles just to see what they are.

And Netflix has left mainstream viewing to target the transgender community which amounts to less than 1 percent of the population that have mental issues. Mainstream viewers are responding. We see it at disney.

And netflix is seeing it in their viewership and stocks. So is Disney btw.
I know myself it has nothing to do with algorithms. I guess ... Ha! for coming in with wit...sort of. It has to do with nobody had shit to do during the pandemic and I've seen everything I like so many times ..,. so you I try out new titles just to see what they are.

And Netflix has left mainstream viewing to target the transgender community which amounts to less than 1 percent of the population that have mental issues. Mainstream viewers are responding. We see it at disney.

And netflix is seeing it in their viewership and stocks. So is Disney btw.
How are they targeting the trans community? What shows are you referring to specifically? It wasn’t even a year ago they chose to back Chappelle’s special with the TERF rant. Seems pretty stupid to pretend they have some agenda based on one thing, when you can easily find an example of them backing the opposite thing at the same time.

Not that this isn’t maybe a small factor. People are stupid and buy whatever Tucker Carlson sells them. But their real problem is clearly that they keep raising prices at a time when they’re losing their most popular programming to networks starting their own streaming plans. The Office was the most streamed show the year before their deal for it ended with NBC and they yanked it for their new Peacock platform. Disney has their own thing now, HBO upped their streaming game, paramount, etc… Pretty much leaves Netflix with their original programming, shows they bought, and whatever movies they get in the rotation.

They were the first to do the thing, now they’re still around, the most expensive of the streaming services, and not close to the best option. It was easy to just have Netflix and forget about it when their basic plan was $4.99. Now that same plan is $9.99 with less/worse content, pretty easy to jump ship at that point, especially when you’re coming out of the pandemic and have more to do than watch TV.

But sure, let’s pretend having some cartoon about a pregnant dude is their problem, and that the real problem with it is something other than Arnold Schwarzenegger already did it in the 90s.
Netflix's problem just simply boils down to losing popular shows (as @TheDayMan mentioned people were PISSED about The Office, which in Netflix's defense I don't actually think they could do anything about that since NBC owns it, but still a popular show gone), their current originals not being good or interesting anymore and an apparent price raise hike in the middle of a streaming services boom.

If you want to say them putting too much time and effort into shows like "He's Expecting" that's not going to draw a ton of eyeballs and has a trickle down on the rest of the programming I could buy that, but I also think if Netflix's shows were just plain better this wouldn't really be an issue. They did survive that Cuties fiasco, after all, which was considerably worse than anything they've put out since.
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Netflix's problem just simply boils down to losing popular shows (as @TheDayMan mentioned people were PISSED about The Office, which in Netflix's defense I don't actually think they could do anything about that since NBC owns it, but still a popular show gone), their current originals not being good or interesting anymore and an apparent price raise hike in the middle of a streaming services boom.

If you want to say them putting too much time and effort into shows like "He's Expecting" that's not going to draw a ton of eyeballs and has a trickle down on the rest of the programming I could buy that, but I also think if Netflix's shows were just plain better this wouldn't really be an issue. They did survive that Cuties fiasco, after all, which was considerably worse than anything they've put out since.
But Cuties was bad. And the wound was not fully healed. So when something like “He’s Expecting” comes, it reopens the Cuties wound. And Cuties came on the heels of Sense8 (which was actually pretty good if you could get past all the trans and lgbtqutpjtls+ shit that was shoved down the viewer’s throat).

Nothing exists in a bubble. Each event comes in a context. A political sensitive customer base who is still smarting from bad decisions; the lack of good original programming on top of canceling of good original programming on top of losing licensed IP; the crack down of shared passwords; raising sub costs; rumors of adding ads…
Nothing exists in a bubble. Each event comes in a context. A political sensitive customer base who is still smarting from bad decisions; the lack of good original programming on top of canceling of good original programming on top of losing licensed IP; the crack down of shared passwords; raising sub costs; rumors of adding ads…
That would actually be my argument for this as well.

It's not because of Obama, Kaepernick, etc. just on its own the way some seem to think, but when you've got that in lieu of actually good programming elsewhere plus all the other junk it's going to turn a lot of people off. If all the other stuff you mentioned weren't happening and they still were putting out good programming, I doubt we'd hear much about it some of these other politically-polarizing shows.
That would actually be my argument for this as well.

It's not because of Obama, Kaepernick, etc. just on its own the way some seem to think, but when you've got that in lieu of actually good programming elsewhere plus all the other junk it's going to turn a lot of people off. If all the other stuff you mentioned weren't happening and they still were putting out good programming, I doubt we'd hear much about it some of these other politically-polarizing shows.
And marrying yourself to Obama and Kaep, while not producing docs looking into how/why Trump came along is disingenuous and taking sides (or at least looking like you are taking sides).
For real. I started going back and forth with Netflix after they cancelled Santa Clarita diet after a cliffhanger and then they refused to make mind hunter a priority.

It was easier for them to get away with not caring before HBO Max and other network streaming options starting pulling some of their biggest draws.
that is a very Karen thing to do
If you don't like it, watch something else. Your choice.

there are so many shows out there. It is very easy to avoid the ones that don't speak to you
If you don't like it, watch something else. Your choice.
That’s the issue.

One of the issues that Netflix is facing is the choice of programming that they are producing, and people are choosing not to watch it (and to move away from Netflix because their isn’t enough good programming on their platform to warrant the higher sub prices).

Instead of making a snarky comment, realize that is exactly what everyone is saying is the problem with Netflix (along with the other issues spelled out).

”Go woke, go broke” is a gross over simplification, but it is a thing. People are choosing to not patronize these companies.
That’s the issue.

One of the issues that Netflix is facing is the choice of programming that they are producing, and people are choosing not to watch it (and to move away from Netflix because their isn’t enough good programming on their platform to warrant the higher sub prices).

Instead of making a snarky comment, realize that is exactly what everyone is saying is the problem with Netflix (along with the other issues spelled out).

”Go woke, go broke” is a gross over simplification, but it is a thing. People are choosing to not patronize these companies.
so what is their other option? Stream more Duck Dynasty?
so what is their other option? Stream more Duck Dynasty?
how do you stream “more” of something?

if they have doc after doc after doc of BLM, Kaep, Obama etc, maybe produce a doc or two on the conditions that allowed for the phenomenon of Trump to arise? Maybe sign deals with some conservative film makers or documentarians?

I am not a studio exec, so I don’t know the exact answer. But only (or predominantly) siding with one side of the political debate lends to the image that you don’t care about 45% of your customer base.

Again, I am not saying the (perceived?) political bias of the service is the sole, only reason for Netflix’s problems. But it is an ingredient in the soup.
how do you stream “more” of something?

if they have doc after doc after doc of BLM, Kaep, Obama etc, maybe produce a doc or two on the conditions that allowed for the phenomenon of Trump to arise? Maybe sign deals with some conservative film makers or documentarians?

I am not a studio exec, so I don’t know the exact answer. But only (or predominantly) siding with one side of the political debate lends to the image that you don’t care about 45% of your customer base.

Again, I am not saying the (perceived?) political bias of the service is the sole, only reason for Netflix’s problems. But it is an ingredient in the soup.
maybe they don't care about them

or maybe those documentaries just don't exist