Netflix in trouble

And that is why they are losing market share.
or maybe it's because they are raising their prices and people don't want to pay that anymore.

not everyone is a whiny Karen who gets offended by something being "too woke"

some people just can't afford the price change
That’s the issue.

One of the issues that Netflix is facing is the choice of programming that they are producing, and people are choosing not to watch it (and to move away from Netflix because their isn’t enough good programming on their platform to warrant the higher sub prices).

Instead of making a snarky comment, realize that is exactly what everyone is saying is the problem with Netflix (along with the other issues spelled out).

”Go woke, go broke” is a gross over simplification, but it is a thing. People are choosing to not patronize these companies.

It is only an issue if you own Netflix stock. They choose their programming and you choose whether to watch or not. Good ol capitalism.
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or maybe it's because they are raising their prices and people don't want to pay that anymore.

not everyone is a whiny Karen who gets offended by something being "too woke"

some people just can't afford the price change
Are you ignoring my posts, or just trolling?

I have gone out of my way to stress that there are multiple issues causing their decline. Read a post every once in a while.
I wouldn’t even know these “trans” shows exist, if it weren’t for angry righties on the Hoop.

Which is kinda funny, to me.
Yeah, I bet no one (maybe not no one, but a lot fewer) people would be giving a shit if Netflix's programming didn't go into the shitter when they increased prices.
I wouldn’t even know these “trans” shows exist, if it weren’t for angry righties on the Hoop.

Which is kinda funny, to me.
So this. I recently renewed Netflix because there were a couple things I wanted to watch, and have not seen one of the things that are apparently driving this cancel mob.

I’ve asked a couple times now, no one seems to want to give specifics about the supposed terrible “woke” shows that pushed them to want Netflix to fail. Have been able to piece together there’s an anime cartoon with a pregnant dude, and something about Kaepernick and/or Obama. Have seen nothing of the sort in my feed. So they either haven’t seen it on there either and are just deep in the Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson “here’s what you should be scared of today” world (likely), do have it in their feed because they’ve given neflix a reason to suggest it to them (also seems pretty believable for some reason), or they just saw it in the “new on Netflix” cue and it just put them over the edge (seems the least likely for some reason).
Not paying for something when I’m not using it is a Karen thing to do?
I took "started going back and forth with Netflix" as in you called them and bitched about their programming. My bad.
Not the dude from Amistad and The Island.That guy is African American.

This is madness guy is African British.

He also showed little Irish kids how to get AIDS and die in Hell's Kitchen :wink:
I’m a history guy. Really have enjoyed how well the storyline follows actual history. Or actual historical stories anyway. Especially with Alfred. Have never seen a series with England’s first king as a main character. And this has not let me down.

I’m on season 4.

Man...i found spartacus yesterday and did what @Gatorchip suggested and started at season 2. That's the only way to go. And that series is bad ass. Like GOT, every episodes ends on the edge of the cliff. It has more ass and titty than GOT...and a lot more fighting ... all man on man fighting in arena's. Not wars. Like GOT it has a very good story line of deception and twist. And the cinema style is like 300.

I found it on prime video. If you track it down, start at season 2 ... it's the backdrop for season one. And then go back to season 1.
Man...i found spartacus yesterday and did what @Gatorchip suggested and started at season 2. That's the only way to go. And that series is bad ass. Like GOT, every episodes ends on the edge of the cliff. It has more ass and titty than GOT...and a lot more fighting ... all man on man fighting in arena's. Not wars. Like GOT it has a very good story line of deception and twist. And the cinema style is like 300.

I found it on prime video. If you track it down, start at season 2 ... it's the backdrop for season one. And then go back to season 1.
Whitfield was still alive when they did S2, and there was still a chance (small as it was) that he would make it through. So they made S2 as a prequel to kick the recast decision down the road (since the character wasn’t in that season). IIRC, there was a long time between S2 and S3 since they had to really retool the show post recast.

We knew someone wasn't going to make it but I'm a little surprised that Netflix might be first. It looks like Netflix is going all in with the advertising model to try and increase the subscriber base but I don't see that working. If anything it is going to drive some out of their current package into a lower-priced one.

What we are learning is that for the streaming platforms to survive they a couple of key components:

1. A streaming service really needs to be paired with another business in order to supplement them in the down times.
2. They really need to own a studio catalog in order to feed content and give them dibs on first releases
3. They need hit shows
4. They need to own popular franchises like Marvel, Star War, Star Trek, Harry Potter, DC ect

Netfix really doesn't have any of the above except for item 3 and those are becoming harder and harder to get and more expansive to land due to the competition. They have wasted millions giving deals that didn't make sense to people like the Obamas that haven't paid off.

The early reviews for Gray Man are pretty bland so that massive breakout hit they needed doesn't seem to be coming.
This has been happening for a while now, hasn't it.

Blockbuster's called and wants their business model back.
It's incredible that a platform that threw tens of millions of dollars at anything and everything celebrity related, while ignoring the fact they can produce viral content with nobodies, is failing...
Their content sucked. Like for original content, Bojack Horseman was the best they had by far and they don’t have any series I’ve searched for other than Trailer Park Boys. Netflix was by far the worst of the streaming services, but as soon as YoutubeTv stopped carrying Braves games, I got DirectTV hooked back up
Netflix sucks.......
Wife lives by it and thinks Id like it.....wrong.

I dont know how many damn times Ive thumbed thru their guide and have found absolutley nothing.....
The movies I would watch,I have already seen before.....

Not a fan.......
It’s honestly not as surprising to me, for all of the reasons mentioned in the OP.

Once content owners started making competing apps like HBOMax, Disney+ and Paramount and then taking their properties back for their service it became incumbent for Netflix to deliver more and more successful original content.

Considering you have so many more players also shopping for that original content this becomes a very narrow path to walk.

I think the next step is the money spent for compelling shows drives down due to more competition, combined with ownership of properties driving new projects specifically to one service (all of the original Star Wars content on Disney+ as an example). I can also see services working to lock creative talent into agreements specifically for their service coming too.

All Netflix has been left to do is throw major money behind has been franchises like Stranger Things. Those are past winners and gone soon anyway.

I’m not sure I can see Netflix not going Blockbuster at this point.
Netflix sucks.......
Wife lives by it and thinks Id like it.....wrong.

I dont know how many damn times Ive thumbed thru their guide and have found absolutley nothing.....
The movies I would watch,I have already seen before.....

Not a fan.......
Don’t have South Park, ATHF, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead or any good series.

BuT thEy HaVE FRienDs!!!!11