What If JFK Wasn’t a Conspiracy

Had those two SS members been where they were supposed to be, there is a distinct probability they would've blocked a clean shot from the book depository.

That is very coincidental.
Coincidences can happen for innocuous, as well as damaging reasons.

As I’ve said a moment ago…we will never know what happened for fact. So I won’t begrudge where people land. This just doesn’t singularly raise to level of conspiratorial confirmation for me.
I don't believe in accidental history anymore. The CIA has their tentacles in everything.
Well, there you go. Nice chatting with you, but all we will do is go round and round on this and not get anywhere.
Fair point. I walked into that one. Maybe I’ll give the book a try and see how it hits me.
Or maybe there is as much point in me reading the book you suggested as you reading the or I suggested….
I read Case Closed by Gerald Posner. It makes good arguments but again....it isn't the entire story. The real story was hidden in the swamps of Louisiana.
I read Case Closed by Gerald Posner. It makes good arguments but again....it isn't the entire story. The real story was hidden in the swamps of Louisiana.
Well, if you’re going to put it that way….you got the hook in me. I said nothing more than how Case Closed was compelling. I stopped numerous times and read up other things with a mind on not taking it all hook, like and sinker.

Didnt stop me from taking “Marcelo wasn’t even Sicilian) full hook.
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Watch the splatter. It tells a tale.

According to the Law of Inertia, the pieces of matter flying off his skull are traveling in the same direction and speed as the rest of him and the car....so it should not suddenly fly behind him, especially if the force of the projectile came from behind and in the opposite direction the matter is taking.

That shot HAD to come from the front!

I agree that the route is compelling. But what doesn’t get talked about a lot of that if both Main and Elm can turn right onto the access road for the Stemmons Freeway you have a traffic nightmare.

So, there was a concrete barrier in place so you couldn’t get on the Stemmons ramp from Main, and signs when coming down Main that to teach the freeway you had to……turn right on Houston and left on Elm.

As for the direction of the shot…..what information do you have that proves that head shot came from any other direction but back and up? I said this in the OP….I’ve always kept an open mind. I’m not abandoning that. But I have found compelling arguments from this book for the “not a conspiracy” line of thought.

You can get to Stemmons from Main, you would just go past the freeway and loop back, no problem at all. Traffic nightmare? It's the President, you have the roads cleared just like they did coming down Main.

I think it's funny that the people who think it was Oswald ask for overwhelming evidence it wasn't him, there does not have to be overwhelming evidence just a couple small pieces gets the job done.

Why were there multiple people who testified they heard a shot from the grassy knoll? These people didn't all get together and come up with a plan to say they heard a shot coming from up there. In some of the videos you can see people pointing up there.

Why did his head go left after the fatal bullet struck? If it was from behind it would have gone forward/back not to the left. It would go to the left if it was a shot from the side. Why is the brain matter going to the back of the car if he was shot from behind?

Why was the SS on the car coming down main then got off before getting to Houston/Elm?
Is Colonel Mustard a possible suspect?
I can't get past the title of this thread.

"what if the dreamed up scenario that a lot of people believe to be true isn't actually true"
I've always wondered about the carcano rifle being capable of such a shot.
This is them coming down main, you can clearly see SS on the car.

I've always wondered about the carcano rifle being capable of such a shot.

Experts have been debating that for years, some say it could be done and others say no way.
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Watch the splatter. It tells a tale.

According to the Law of Inertia, the pieces of matter flying off his skull are traveling in the same direction and speed as the rest of him and the car....so it should not suddenly fly behind him, especially if the force of the projectile came from behind and in the opposite direction the matter is taking.

That shot HAD to come from the front!

You are correct about the Law of Inertia. It’s also dependent on mass. What came off his head was very small spatter and skull bits. Smaller masses, once liberated from the larger mass that is in motion will decelerate rapidly.

This proves nothing about direction of shot. For that you have to apply logic that even this large of a bullet doesn’t take the whole right side of his skull out. Certainly when there is a much smaller entrance wound in the back right of his skull.