What are you reading?

I'm now on book 15 of the "Gear" North American indigenous saga. None thinner than 500 pages. Only about 8 to go. The previous one took place right where I live more or less. But quite a while ago of course.

Just finished up Cuckoo's Calling (#1 of the Cormoran Strike series by Galbraith/Rowling). I made the mistake of reading the last one first which I hate doing. But I have #2 on order at my library.
read this in no time while I was on vacation and loved it. I recommend it. Kind of like the tv show Killing Eve, but with time travel.

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70 pages in on this one so far an still not sure exactly what the fuck is going on.

Multiple time lines with different results.
70 pages in on this one so far an still not sure exactly what the fuck is going on.

Multiple time lines with different results.
it is a little confusing, I will admit that
Black Water Rising - Attica Locke

Black lawyer in 80's Houston. Reminds me or Lehane a bit.
Just started the third book in the "Wheel of Time" series. If you enjoy the fantasy/sci-fi genre, they are good. Long as hell, first book was over 800 pages, second was almost 700
Just started the third book in the "Wheel of Time" series. If you enjoy the fantasy/sci-fi genre, they are good. Long as hell, first book was over 800 pages, second was almost 700
one day I will...but just not yet for me.
one day I will...but just not yet for me.

Definitely worth it if you are into that and don't mind a longer read. If you still buy books and don't read on a device, look for older copies of the books. Now that there is a TV series newer prints are going for like 15 a piece. I got older copies of the first six for 30 dollars total lol
I am currently reading Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain...pretty dark and talks about suicide a lot...dude had his demons.

also reading this one. The first one was a fun little read, so this one should be more of the same.

The Sandman.

By Lars Kepler.

Creepy as fuck.
Damn if I only have 3 more "Gear" books left.

23 down, 3 to go.

Read a new Repairman Jack (F Paul Thomas) and am going to re-read Nightworld which is the finale of that series.

And I have another Lars Keppler, Stalker, on deck.
Just started the third book in the "Wheel of Time" series. If you enjoy the fantasy/sci-fi genre, they are good. Long as hell, first book was over 800 pages, second was almost 700
Yeah, the series is very high on my list. You should check out Jack Whyte's Camulod Chronicles if you haven't already.

Gearing up for a major read: The Far Pavilions
Yeah, the series is very high on my list. You should check out Jack Whyte's Camulod Chronicles if you haven't already.

Gearing up for a major read: The Far Pavilions

Ill keep it in mind for sure. Just starting the fifth wheel of time book so still a long way to go on those lol
currently reading Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin...came highly recommended and so far it's good. Lots of old school video game references throughout and a good story so far. Reminds me of The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay a bit.

Also listening to Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse, which isn't too bad.
Just started the third book in the "Wheel of Time" series. If you enjoy the fantasy/sci-fi genre, they are good. Long as hell, first book was over 800 pages, second was almost 700
Recently finished audiobook 10, man this thing dragged and droned on and on, I needed a break. The first 6 or so books are masterful, but these last two are considered part of "the slog" and are excruciatingly dull.

I'm hoping the next one picks up a bit better.