What are you reading?

Once I start, I won't be able to quit so I'm hopeful I don't get into the first half and get lost in all of the characters. I'm going to try to be prepared for it. I have a very nice hardback from the 1940's which will add to the enjoyment hopefully.

I'll check out the Barth books now.

They are decidedly different and were read based on several English profs say so. Along with John Fowles' The Magus. But I never laughed at it so much as the 2 Barths.
While I'm talking about re-reads, I'm going to do Catch-22 one more time in a library lull.

So much going on in that book.

I do find myself attaching faces from the movie to characters in the book.

After I read the book, I'm going to do the movie again.

And then it will be Little Big Man.

And the movie.
While I'm talking about re-reads, I'm going to do Catch-22 one more time in a library lull.

So much going on in that book.

I do find myself attaching faces from the movie to characters in the book.

After I read the book, I'm going to do the movie again.

And then it will be Little Big Man.

And the movie.
Did you ever read The Far Pavilions? If not, I can't recommend it enough.
While I'm talking about re-reads, I'm going to do Catch-22 one more time in a library lull.

So much going on in that book.

I do find myself attaching faces from the movie to characters in the book.

After I read the book, I'm going to do the movie again.

And then it will be Little Big Man.

And the movie.
They did a Catch 22 tv show recently that was pretty good...I think on Hulu
Settled on listening to a Walt Longmire audiobook because it reminds me of a less crotchety version of Fish
The new series was good. Check it out.
the fuck are you doing here? you know there's a game on now, right?
Library came through with Far Pavillions and the first Meltzer book, The Inner Circle.
Library came through with Far Pavillions and the first Meltzer book, The Inner Circle.
Good, because that has been out of print for a long time and is getting super rare, as you can see from the prices on eBay.

That one will keep you busy for awhile!
So somehow I ended up with a nice paperback of Book 4 in the "Wheel of Time" series.

Question: before I commit to buying more, can I start with Book 4 or should I only start at the beginning?
Why wouldn't you start at the beginning?
I've hit that slog in book 8 that everyone was talking about. Haven't picked it up in a week. I'm not sure it's an interest thing, what I read so far has interested me, I just went fast through the first 7 and they are so long I just needed a break