What If JFK Wasn’t a Conspiracy

It fascinates me that this wannabe commie retard, ends up in Russia for what, 3 years??

I am not suggesting it was a russian hit, fwiw, I just think it's interesting. Hell, one could argue its more likely he was set up BECAUSE he was a shithead defector.

Part of what makes the Kennedy deal interesting, is there are a million motives. Lotsa dots.
No doubt. Lots of dots or as @Orlando_Eagles says “red herrings”. Add in the fact that government is trying to CYA bc of their mistakes and you’ve got lots of books to be written.
I remember reading somewhere some time ago about there being a curb they would've had to hop had they gone down main, er some shit?:think:

that’s exactly right!

here’s a quick video of that route. You can see the curbing starting at about the 1:50 mark. You can’t go right to stemmons freeway from main st bc of that curbing. They took the most direct route to the trade mart.

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I’m vaguely remembering Donald Sutherlands role. I’m not sure if the person played was a kook, but I often have this issue when Sutherland is playing a real person. Lol.

What was with X in true movie. Was that some amalgam of…..CIA whistleblowers or something? It was always confusing to me.

yeah… he was real and after the film came out Oliver Stone lauded him in real life for being a hero and brave to tell the truth. His name IRL was Prouty.

see my post 899 for more on him and his bullshit.
I'd just like to say...

Our entire country and most of its existence has been completely shrouded in conspiracy from its inception, yet it is taboo today to propose such things.

The term Conspiracy Theorist is in and of itself a fucking conspiracy. It's weaponized vernacular used to to quiet and ridicule dissenters.

As dangerous as it may be to propagate conspiracy theories, I think it is more dangerous to blindly believe official narratives and propaganda.

couldn’t agree more! In real life Mr X was a guy named prouty. Real doosher. He was however a GREAT story teller so he easily riled up the whack jobs as you said.

He took absolutely innocent events and made them into something sinister and the masses just lapped it up. For instance, some poor bastard had an epileptic seizure just before the motorcade got to dealey plaza that required medical assistance. Prouty said it was rouse/distraction to “allow the shooters to get into place”. He also pointed out that the guy with the umbrella was in on it somehow. We’ve already shown that guy was also completely innocent of any wrong doing.

Prouty (perpetuated by the Sutherland Character) didn’t think twice about trashing these poor people. Oliver Stone then immortalized this jackass by giving him a big part in the movie. These were absolutely innocent people that Prouty and Stone had no problem just destroying all so they could make a name for themselves. The QAnon example is a great one bc these nuts that believe him would probably do harm to them just like they tried to do to the pizza store owner.

They ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Total bullshit- the shooter (or even shooters, if you think there were more) would’ve already been in place. Oswald certainly was. And this fucker just made up this nonsense? I guess the truly terrifying part is that people listened to him.

Stone liked or likes to be outrageous. He embodies the “based on a true story” disclaimer more than any filmmaker. The JFK film came out at an opportune time to stir shit up, so mission accomplished, I suppose.
Total bullshit- the shooter (or even shooters, if you think there were more) would’ve already been in place. Oswald certainly was. And this fucker just made up this nonsense? I guess the truly terrifying part is that people listened to him.

Stone liked or likes to be outrageous. He embodies the “based on a true story” disclaimer more than any filmmaker. The JFK film came out at an opportune time to stir shit up, so mission accomplished, I suppose.

well said. POTD
I'd just like to say...

Our entire country and most of its existence has been completely shrouded in conspiracy from its inception, yet it is taboo today to propose such things.

The term Conspiracy Theorist is in and of itself a fucking conspiracy. It's weaponized vernacular used to to quiet and ridicule dissenters.

As dangerous as it may be to propagate conspiracy theories, I think it is more dangerous to blindly believe official narratives and propaganda.

I couldn’t agree more!! We MUST question authority but we must question them LOGICALLY. Just like it’s dumb to blindly trust what the govt says it’s equally dumb to Just believe what you read on Facebook or see in a movie.

Today is a very challenging time bc we are bombarded with SO much information. We really have to be careful what we believe and what we toss aside. That’s why I say… don’t tell me… show me.
As an example, I took what @beardown07 said about that psyche doctor yesterday and I started to look into it for myself. I asked him what more info he could give me. I took what @broncosmitty had posted about it and added what I had found about it. I didn’t just dismiss it. I didn’t say “fuck that! It doesn’t fit my narrative”. I looked into it. I’m STILL looking into it. There’s clearly a lot there. I wanna know. I’ll take my time and look at it.

However, I’ve shared my initial thoughts about it. I’m still open to what it’s about but to me, at this time, it looks like Ruby was setting up an insanity defense. That’s generally why psych doctors are brought in. That’s sorta why he was brought into the Patty Hearst case… to talk about her state of mind at the time she committed crimes.

Conspiracy proponents will question why he was brought in on the Ruby case. That’s certainly fair and appropriate. I’d agree with that inquiry. My question is then if he was brought in to make Ruby “go crazy” so he wouldn’t talk then why did they (the CIA) wait YEARS to do it? Why did they chance that Ruby would “spill the beans” all those years? Isn’t that a legitimate question too? Does that make me anti-conspiracy? I don’t think so.
I couldn’t agree more!! We MUST question authority but we must question them LOGICALLY. Just like it’s dumb to blindly trust what the govt says it’s equally dumb to Just believe what you read on Facebook or see in a movie.

Today is a very challenging time bc we are bombarded with SO much information. We really have to be careful what we believe and what we toss aside. That’s why I say… don’t tell me… show me.
Exactly my thought. I’ve mentioned I’m not unfamiliar with conspiracies. And I’m not a sheep. But, I’m more in the phase of show me don’t tell me too. Blindly following anything is worse than blindly believing anything. I’ll always believe that.

But I also heard a good nugget the other day….many unexplainable things might just be easily explained in humans distinct ability to fuck things up.

Shit, now this needs to go into the philosophy forum.
As an example, I took what @beardown07 said about that psyche doctor yesterday and I started to look into it for myself. I asked him what more info he could give me. I took what @broncosmitty had posted about it and added what I had found about it. I didn’t just dismiss it. I didn’t say “fuck that! It doesn’t fit my narrative”. I looked into it. I’m STILL looking into it. There’s clearly a lot there. I wanna know. I’ll take my time and look at it.

However, I’ve shared my initial thoughts about it. I’m still open to what it’s about but to me, at this time, it looks like Ruby was setting up an insanity defense. That’s generally why psych doctors are brought in. That’s sorta why he was brought into the Patty Hearst case… to talk about her state of mind at the time she committed crimes.

Conspiracy proponents will question why he was brought in on the Ruby case. That’s certainly fair and appropriate. I’d agree with that inquiry. My question is then if he was brought in to make Ruby “go crazy” so he wouldn’t talk then why did they (the CIA) wait YEARS to do it? Why did they chance that Ruby would “spill the beans” all those years? Isn’t that a legitimate question too? Does that make me anti-conspiracy? I don’t think so.
It’s a logical question. If the goal was to shut him up (as he did to Oswald, regardless of intention) then you would do that super fast.

The fact he had already been through a trial and was setting up for another leads me to think they were working to establish insanity.

Whether that was by this doctors ability to diagnose him as such, or this doctors likely ability to MAKE him as such is intriguing.

What was known about Ruby in the years leading up does support that he was one good trigger away from a break. That break very well could have been this event. Not because that HIS President or the poor family he left behind as many report it. But it was that ad taken out in the paper for 11/22/63. That ad with the Jewish name on it. He was strongly convinced the Jews were going to get framed.

There was another part of the book that mentions the night after the assassination he had a friend come out to a billboard with a Polaroid. The billboard said “impeach Earl Warren”. He later asked people who Earl Warren was. But, in that moment he was convinced this had something to do with all of it. He was breaking at that moment.

It was well known he complained to jailers and others that Jews were being killed in the basement of the prison. He said he could hear them down there.

His break came from, or led to, quite the persecution complex. And that combo can lead people to horrible things.
I’ve got a quick question for those that have been in this thread.


if I’ve left anyone out please tag them

Have you been to dealey plaza? Have you been up in the TSBD museum?

obviously, saying no doesn’t disqualify you or invalidate any opinions. I’m just curious how many have actually seen the sight lines, distances, layout, etc.

As we all know pictures and video can capture things much differently than they appear in real life.
I have not.
I’ve got a quick question for those that have been in this thread.


if I’ve left anyone out please tag them

Have you been to dealey plaza? Have you been up in the TSBD museum?

obviously, saying no doesn’t disqualify you or invalidate any opinions. I’m just curious how many have actually seen the sight lines, distances, layout, etc.

As we all know pictures and video can capture things much differently than they appear in real life.
I have not. Google Earth is as close as I’ve gotten.
I went for the first (and only) time in the early 2000s.

I’ve been to Dallas many times on business but only to dealey Plaza once
I've been wanting to forever but no, i've lived in Texas for 18 years and still haven't been up there but I will soon, I hope!

can I ask how far of a drive is it?